No. 24816. 4M
No. 24816. 4M
SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 25, 1880. ANGLO-UNIVERSAL BANK LIMITED—continued. BESIDENCE. NAME. Meynier, Francisque Daniel, Gilbert Laniol, Jean Pierre Traub, Guillaume Frederic Savigny, Claude Soannes Bonnassies, Paul Labbe, Henri Polge, Clement Dubois, Alfred Pourriere, Barthelemy Marius Charles, Frangois Boudet, Adricn Bolot, Charles Poncet, Claude Chaize, Jean Baptistc Fourcassies, Gustavo Jean Baptistc Fraisse, Gabriel • Gauthier, Laurent Coquet, Auguste Pagnoud, Victor Mi'gnot, Francois Graeff, Michel Ignace Auguste Bard, Louis, fils Jurie-Joly, Philippe Charrin, Amede'e Lalo, Joseph 2, Kite d'Algerie, Lyon 3, Cours Perrachc, Lyori 2, Rue de Racine, Rouen 101, Rue des Bons Enfants, Rouen 29, Rue Motiere, Lyon 20, Rue des Pyramides, Paris 3, Rue Monsigny, Paris 60, Rue Blanche, Paris 61. Boulevard do I'Est, Amiens Carnonles (\ r ar) Valence, Drome 2, Quai de Ret/, Lyon 32, Avenue cle Noailles, Lyon 26, Place Tholozan, Lyon 7, Rue Thoraasson, Lynn a Langon (Gironde) 12, Cours Morand, Lyon ! • 44, Rue Centrale, Lyon 1, Rue du Griffon, Ly.oh 34, Rue Bourbon, Lyon 35, Rue de Vendome, Lyon 33, Rue de Grenelle, Paris Grenoble Niraes 18, Rue du Plat, Lyon 52, Rue Jeanne d'Arc, Rouen 1533 OCCUPATION. Avocafc Proprietture Name of Place where the Business is carried on. Coleman-street House, Loth bury, London, E.G., in the county of Middlesex. NAME OF FIRM. THE CRIPPLEGATE BANK LIMITED. Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists. NAME. Nincl, Henry William Basingham, William Baylis, Alexander John Bousquet, Isaac Browne, Thomas Brooks Baylis, Edgar Alexander Bcavis, John Beavis, George Clodd, Edward Eldrid, Joseph Walter Felton, George Matthew Gillett, Cornelius Holliday, John Herold, Frank Kershaw, Benjamin 'Knell, Underdowne Lake, James Pearson, William Charles Pearce, Robert Woodley, John Holding RESIDENCE. OCCUPATION. None Aden-terrace, Green-lanes, Stoke Newington Gas Engineer '6 and 4, Whitccross-strect, London, E.G. 1, Church-court, Old Jewry, London, E.G. Solicitor Merchant 28, Barbican, London, E.G. 150, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.G. Advertising Contractor 1, Church-court, Old Jewry, London, E.G. Solicitor 35, Lever-street, St. Luke's, E.G. Watch Motion Matter 22, Drayton-street, Holloway Accountant 5, Princes-street, London, E.G. Secretary to London Joint Stock Bank 53, Whitecross-street, London, E.G. Saddlers' Ironmonger 6, 7, and 8, Well-street, Cripplegate, Collar and Shirt Maker London, E.C. 34, Je win-street, London, E.C. Silk Manufacturer 4 and 5, Well-st.,Cripplegatc, London, E.C. Trimming Manufacturer Merchant 19, Jewin-crescent, Cripplcgatc, London, E.C. 31, Whitecross-street, London, E.C. Bank Manager 16, Chiswell-street, London, E.G. Collector of Taxes 32, Fore-street, London, E.C. Draper 32A, Fore-street, London, E.C. Numismatist 1, Church-court, Old Jewry, London, E.C. Solicitor 30, Fore-street, London, E.G. Stationer ], Name of Place where the Business is carried on. 31, Whitecross-street, in the city of London. No. 24816. 4M
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