The History of the Cinema 1895-1940


The History of the Cinema 1895-1940
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Collection « The History of the Cinema, 1895-1940 »
Collection d'environ 1,000 titres sur microfiches comprenant des ouvrages et des brochures édités avant 1940 et
choisis parmi les principaux centres américains et européens de ressources cinématographiques. Ces documents
constituent une collection de base pour l'étude de l'histoire du cinéma. On y retrouve notamment des annuaires et des
rapports de l'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, des articles portant sur des films et des acteurs, des
manuels de projectionnistes ainsi que des ouvrages couvrant un large éventail de sujets allant des enfants au cinéma,
en passant par la censure et l'utilisation des films pour l'enseignement. Les documents de cette collection sont en
anglais, en allemand, et en français.
Toutes les microfiches sont situées à la Médiathèque J-A-DeSève de la Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines.
Liste des titres
Abramson, Ivan
Mother of truth. A story of romance and retribution based on the events of my own life
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): A1 (3mf)
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Academy players directory bulletin no. 1
Los Angeles, 1937 (reprint 1981)
Réf. microfiche(s): A2 (6mf)
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Motion Picture Sound Engineering
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): A3 (6mf)
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Report of the Research Council Scientific Committee on Television from the Standpoint of the
Motion Picture Producing Industry
Hollywood, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): A4 (2mf)
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Screen achievments record bulletin reference list of productions
s.l., 1934-38
Réf. microfiche(s): A5 (8mf)
Ackerman, Carl W.
George Eastman
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): A6 (7mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Adam, T. R.
Motion pictures in adult education
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): A7 (2mf)
Adeler, Edwin and Con West
Remember Fred Karno? The Life of a Great Showman
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): A8 (3mf)
Adler, Mortimer J.
Art and Prudence. A study in pratical philosophy
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): A9 (8mf)
Aguilar, Santiago
El genio del septimo arte : apologia de Charlot
Madrid, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): A10 (3mf)
Albert, Katherine, ed.
How to be Glamorous (Expert Advice from Joan Crawford, Cecil B. De Mille et al)
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): A11 (1mf)
Albert, Katherine
Remember Valerie March
New York, s.d.
Réf. microfiche(s): A12 (4mf)
Alchin, Gordon
Manual of law for the cinema trade
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): A13 (6mf)
All quiet on the western front. Der Film Im Western nichts. Neues in Bildern
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): A15 (2mf)
Allen, Fletcher
After midnight (The Story of the Film)
s.l., 1928?
Réf. microfiche(s): A16 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Allen, Gertrude M.
How to write a film story
London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): A17 (2mf)
Allen Jane
I lost my girlish laughter
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): A18 (3mf)
Allighan, Garry
The romance of the talkies
London, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): A19 (2mf)
Almanacco del cinema italiano 1939-XVII
Rome, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): A20 (5mf)
Altenloh, Emilie
Zur Soziologie des Kino : die Kino-unter-nehmung in die sozialen Schichten ihrer Besucher
Jena, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): A21 (2mf)
American Academy of Political and Social Science
The motion picture in its economic and social aspects
Philadelphia, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): A22 (3mf)
American Council on Education, Committee on Motion Pictures in Education
The motion picture in education. Its Status and Its Needs
Washington, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): A23 (1mf)
American Council on Education, Committee on Motion Pictures in Education
Selected educational motion pictures. A Descriptive Encyclopedia
Washington, 1942
Réf. microfiche(s): A24 (4mf)
American Council on Education, Motion Picture Project
Films on war and American neutrality
Washington, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): A25 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
American Council on Education Studies
Motion pictures in education. Vol. V, no 6; Motion pictures in a modern curriculum
Washington, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): A26 (3mf)
American Talking Picture Co.
The Edison kinetophone talking pictures (Publicity brochure)
New York, 1895?
Réf. microfiche(s): A28 (1mf)
Amid John (pseud. Of Myron Morris Stearns)
With the movie makers
Boston, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): A29 (3mf)
Amiguet, Fréd.-Ph
Cinéma! Cinéma!
Paris, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): A30 (2mf)
Anderson, John
Box Office
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): A31 (2mf)
Anderson, Milton (pseud. de Milton Alexander Soderberg) voir Soderberg, Milton Alexander
Annual report of the Motion Picture Commission
Albany, 1921-1927
Réf. microfiche(s): A33 (5mf)
Annuario cinematografico dell'anno XV
Rome, 1936?
Réf. microfiche(s): A34 (5mf)
Anthony, Edward and Frank Buck
Bring'em back alive
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): A35 (4mf)
Anthony, Gordon
John Gielgud
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): A36 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Antongini, Tom
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): A37 (7mf)
Araldi, Vinicio
Cinema, arma del tempo nostro
Milan, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): A38 (3mf)
Destin du cinéma français
Paris, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): A39 (3mf)
Arliss, George
George Arliss, by Himself
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): A40 (4mf)
Arliss, George
My Ten Years in the Studios
Boston, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): A41 (4mf)
Arliss, George
On the stage. An autobiography
London, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): A42 (4mf)
Arliss, George
Up the years from Bloomsbury. An Autobiography
Réf. microfiche(s): A43 (4mf)
Arnheim, Rudolf
Film. Translated from the German by L.M. Sieveking and Ian F.D. Morrow
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): A44 (4mf)
Arnheim, Rudolf
Film als Kunst
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): A45 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Arnold, Edward
Lorenzo goes to Hollywood
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): A46 (4mf)
Arnold, J.E. and M. Enid Jones, eds
Over Fifteen Hundred things you want to know about films and players
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): A47 (2mf)
Arnoux, Alexandre
Cinéma ; lithographies d'André Foy
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): A48 (2mf)
Hans Albers : Wie er ist und wie er wurde
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): A49 (1mf)
Lucie Englisch : Die Geschichte einer erfolgreichen karriere
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): A50 (1mf)
Renate Müller : Ihr Werden und Wirken
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): A51 (1mf)
Willy Fritsch; Die Geschichte einer glückhaften Karriere
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): A52 (1mf)
Arossev, A., ed.
Soviet cinema
Moscow, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): A53 (4mf)
L'art cinématographique, Nos 1-8
Paris : 1926-31
Réf. microfiche(s): A54 (16mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Ashley, Walter
The cinema and the public. A critical Analysis of the Origin, Constitution and Control of the "British
Film Institute
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): A55 (1 mf)
Association of Cine-technicians
Film business is big business. An Investigation into Film Production Finance
Stanmore, Middlesex, 1940?
Réf. microfiche(s): A56 (1mf)
Auriol, G.A et al.
Le cinéma des origines à nos jours. Préface par Henri Fescourt
Paris, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): A57 (5mf)
Auriol, Jean-Georges, trans.
La technique du film, par 16 Artistes et Spécialistes de Hollywood
Réf. microfiche(s): A58 (2mf)
Ausleger, Gerhard
Charlie Chaplin
Hamburg, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): A59 (1mf)
Australia, Parliament of the Commonwealth
Report of the Royal Commission on the moving picture industry in Australia
Canberra, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): A61 (1mf)
Avenarius, G. A.
Jean Renoir
Moscow, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): A60 (1mf)
Bagier, Guido
Der Kommende Film : eine Abrechnung und eine Hoffnung; was war? Was ist? Was wird?
Stuttgard/Berlin, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): B1 (3mf)
Bailey, V.W.
How They Make the Picture; behind the scenes in a great studio
Los Angeles, 1923-24?
Réf. microfiche(s): B2 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Bairnsfather, Bruce and Ian Dalrymple
Old Bill and son; the story of the film
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): B3 (3mf)
Baker, T. Thorne
The Kingdom of the camera
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B4 (4mf)
Balazs, Béla
Der Geist des Films
Halle (Saale), 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): B5 (3mf)
Balazs, Béla
Der sichtbare Mensch; oder die Kultur des Films
Wien/Leipzig, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): B6 (2mf)
Ball, Eustache Hale
The Art of the Photoplay
New York, 1913
Réf. microfiche(s): B7 (2mf)
Ball, Eustache Hale
Cinema plays; how to write them, how to sell them
London, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): B8 (2mf)
Bamburg, L.
Film acting as a career
London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): B9 (2mf)
Bancal, Jean
La censure cinématographique
Paris, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B10 (4mf)
Barbaro, Umberto
Film : soggetto e sceneggiatura
Roma, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): B11 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Barbaro, Umberto and Luigi Chiarini
L'attore; saggio di antologia critica
Rome, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B12 (3mf)
Barbaro, Umberto and Luigi Chiarini
Problemi del film
Rome, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B13 (2mf)
Bardèche, Maurice and Robert Brasillch
History of the film. Translated and Edited by Iris Barry
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B14 (5mf)
Barkas, Natalie
Behind the camera
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B15 (3mf)
Barkas, Natalie
Thirty thousand miles for the films
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B16 (3mf)
Barker, W.G. et al
Before 1910: kinematograph experiences
Réf. microfiche(s): B17 (1mf)
Barnes, Walter
The photoplay as literary art
Newark, New Jersey, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B18 (1mf)
Barry, Iris
D.W. Griffith; American film master
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): B19 (1mf)
Barry, Iris
Let's go to the Pictures
London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): B20 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Barry, John F. and Epers [Winthrop] Sargent
Building theatre patronage; management and merchandising
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): B21 (5mf)
Barrymore, John
Confessions of an actor
London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): B22 (2mf)
Beaton, Welford
Know your movies : The theory and Practice of Motion picture Production. With a foreword by
Cecil B. de Mille
Hollywood, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): B24 (3mf)
Beatty, Jerome
Shirley Temple
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): B25 (2mf)
Beatty, Jerome
The Story of Will Rogers
Akron, Ohio, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): B26 (2mf)
Belfrage, Cedric
Promised Land; notes for a history
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B27 (4mf)
Bell, Oliver
Sociological aspects of the cinema
Réf. microfiche(s): B28 (1mf)
Bell, Oliver
Wartime uses of the film. In : Journal of the Royal Society of Arts
5 April, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): B29 (1mf)
Bell, Reginald et al.
Motion pictures in a modern curriculum
Washington, D.C., 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): B30 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Belling, Curt and Carlernst Graf Strachwitz
Der Film in Staat und Partei
Berlin, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B32 (2mf)
Belling, Curt et al.
Film-Kunst, Film-Kohn, Film-Korruption
Berlin, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B32 (2mf)
Beman, Lamar T., compiler
Selected articles on Censorship of the Theater and Moving Pictures
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): B34 (5mf)
Benjamin, René
Antoine déchainé
Paris, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): B35 (2mf)
Bennett, Alfred Gordon
Cinemania : Aspects of Filmic Creation
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B36 (6mf)
Bennett, Arnold
Piccadilly : story of the film
Réf. microfiche(s): B37 (3mf)
Bennett, Colin N.
The guide to kinematography; For Camera Men, Operators, and all who "Want to Know"
London, 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): B38 (3mf)
Bennett, Colin N.
A guide to kinematography (projection section) for managers, manager operators, and operators of
kinema theatres
London, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): B39 (3mf)
Bennett, Colin N. et al.
The handbook of kinematography; the history, theory and practice of motion photography and
London, 1911
Réf. microfiche(s): B40 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Bennett, Colin N. et al.
The handbook of kinematography; the history, theory and practice of motion photography and
projection. 2nd edition
London, 1913
Réf. microfiche(s): B41 (4mf)
Bericht über die Lage des Kultur-und Lehrfilms
Réf. microfiche(s): B42 (1mf)
Berlin, Reichsfilmkammer
Deutsche Filme in Venedig 1936 (In English, French, German and Italian)
Réf. microfiche(s): B43 (1mf)
Bermann, Richard U., et al.
Das Kinobuch
Leipzig, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): B44 (2mf)
Bermingham, Cedric Osmond
Stars of the Screen
London, 1931-4
Réf. microfiche(s): B45 (12mf)
Bernique, Jean
Motion picture acting : For Professionals and Amateurs
Chicago, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): B46 (3mf)
Bertrand, Daniel
The motion picture industry study
Réf. microfiche(s): B47 (3mf)
Bertsch, Marguerite
How to write for moving pictures : a manual of instruction and information
New York, 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): B48 (4mf)
Betts, Ernest
Heraclitus; ort he future of films
London, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): B49 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Betts, Ernest,ed.
Jew Suss. From the Novel by Lion Feuchtwanger
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): B50 (3mf)
Betz, Hans-Walther
Weissbuch des deutschen Films
Berlin, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B51 (2mf)
Betz, Maurice et al.
Réf. microfiche(s): B52 (2mf)
Beuss, Werner
Der Schmalfilm und seine. Verwendungsvorschriften
Berlin, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B53 (2mf)
Beuss, Werner and H. Wollenberg
Der Film im offentlichen Recht
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): B54 (5mf)
Beyfuss, Edgar and A. Kossowsky,eds.
Das Kulturfilmbuch
Berlin, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): B55 (5mf)
Bidwell, Shelford
Curiosities of light and sight
London, 1899
Réf. microfiche(s): B56 (3mf)
Biedrzynski, Richard
Emil Jannings; Eine Diagnose des deutschen Fims
Berlin, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B58 (1mf)
Biggers, Earl Derr
Behind that curtain
New York, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): B60 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Biographies of Paramount players and directors, 1932-33 edition
New York
Réf. microfiche(s): B61 (2mf)
The Bioscope annual and trades directory 1915
Ganes, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B62 (7mf)
Biro, Lajos and Arthur Wimperis
Catherine the Great; Story of the Film
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B63 (1mf)
Biro, Lajos and Arthur Wimperis
The private life of Henry VIII. Edited, with an introduction by Ernest Betts
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B64 (2mf)
Blakeston, Oswell
Through a yellow glass
London, 193?
Réf. microfiche(s): B65 (2mf)
Bland, Henderson
From manger to cross; The story of the world-famous Film of the Life of Jesus
London, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): B66 (2mf)
Blei, Frans
Die gottliche Garbo. Nachwort von Greta Garbo
Giessen, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): B67 (1mf)
Bloem, Walter S.
The soul of the moving picture
New York, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): B68 (3mf)
Bloem, Walter S.
Seele des Lichtspiels; Ein Bekenntnis zum Film
Leipzig/Zurich, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): B69 (3mf)
Blumenthal, George
My Sixty Years in Show Business
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B70 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Blumer, Herbert
Movies and conduct. Authorised translation from the German by Allen W. Porterfield
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): B71 (3mf)
Blumer, Herbert and Philip M. Hauser
Movies, delinquency, and crime
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): B72 (3mf)
Boll, André
Le cinéma et son histoire
Paris, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): B76 (2mf)
Bollman, Gladys and Henry Bollman
Motion pictures for community needs
New York, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): B77 (4mf)
Borde, Raymond et al.
Le cinéma réaliste allemand. Contains : D'un journal by Pabst (1929); Le maudit, by Lang (1931);
La tragédie de la mine, by Pabst (1931), etc.
Lausanne, 1959
Réf. microfiche(s): B79 (3mf)
Borodin, M. et al, eds.
Soviet films 1938-1939. Translated by J. Van Zant
Moscow, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): B80 (2mf)
Bottcher, Ilse
Film und Tageszeitung
Leipzig, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B81 (2mf)
Boughey, Davidson
The film industry
London, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): B82 (2mf)
Bowden, W. Paul voir Sterner, Alice P.
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Bower, Dallas
Plan for cinema
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B83 (2mf)
Bower, [Mrs] Robert
Children in the cinema
Newport, Mon., 19??
Réf. microfiche(s): B84 (1mf)
Bowman, W. Dogson
Charlie Chaplin; his life and art
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): B85 (2mf)
Box, Sydney
Film publicity; A Handbook on the Production and Distribution of Propaganda Films
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B86 (2mf)
Bradley, Willard King
Inside secrets of photoplay writing
New York/London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): B87 (3mf)
Brady, William A.
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B88 (4mf)
Bragaglia, A. G.
Il film sonoro
Milan, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): B89 (3mf)
Brasillach, Robert voir Bardèche, Maurice
Braun-Larrieu, André
Le rôle social du cinéma
Paris, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B90 (3mf)
Braune, Heinrich voir Koch, Heinrich
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Bringuier, Paul
Dames de Hollywood; suivi d’un petit dictionnaire secret des stars
Paris, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): B91 (3mf)
Bristol Public Libraries
The cinema (Booklist)
Bristol, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B92 (1mf)
British Association for the Advancement of Science
Report on educational and documentary films
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): B93 (1mf)
British Board of Film Censors
Reports 1928-37
Réf. microfiche(s): B94 (2mf)
British Empire Film Institute
British film library : Catalogue of Books and Publications on cinematography and allied subjects
London, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): B95 (1mf)
British Film Institute
The Cinema and education. A Summary of the Reports issued by various Local Education
Authorities in Great Britain, by A. A. Denholme
s.l., 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B95A (1mf)
British Kinematograph Society
Proceedings of the British Kinematograph Society. Reminiscences of the British Film Trade. By
Lt.-Col. A.C. Bromhead
s.l., 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): B96 (1mf)
Brockwell, Gladys et al
Cinema; practical course in cinema acting in ten complete lessons
s.l., 192?
Réf. microfiche(s): B97 (4mf)
Brod, Max and R. Thomas
Liebe im Film
Giessen, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): B98 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Brown, Bernard
Talking pictures. 2nd edition
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): B99 (4mf)
Brugger, Alfons and Kurt Sommerfeld, eds.
Jahrbuch fur deutsche Filmwerbung
Berlin, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B100 (3mf)
Brundidge, Harry T.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Movie Star!
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): B101 (4mf)
Brunel, Adrian
Film production. Introduction by Alexander Korda
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): B102 (2mf)
Brunel, Adrian
Filmcraft; the art of picture production
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): B103 (3mf)
Brunstetter, M. R.
How to use the educational sound film
Chicago, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B104 (3mf)
Bryan, George S.
Edison; the man and his work
London, 192?
Réf. microfiche(s): B105 (4mf)
Bryher, Winifred
Film problems of Soviet Russia
Switzerland, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): B106 (2mf)
Buchanan, Andrew
The art of film production
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): B107 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Buchanan, Andrew
Film Making from Script to Screen
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): B108 (3mf)
Buchanan, Andrew
Films; the way of the cinema
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): B109 (3mf)
Buchanan, Andrew
Peace Through Film
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): B110 (1mf)
Buchner, Hans
Im Banne des Films
Munchen, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): B111 (3mf)
Buck, Frank voir Anthony, Edward
Buckle, Gerard Fort
The mind and the film; a treatise on the psychological factors in the film
London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): B112 (2mf)
Buckley, P. Kevin
The orchestral and cinema organist
London, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): B113 (1mf)
Bull, Lucien
La cinématographie
Paris, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): B114 (3mf)
Burger, Erich
Charlie Chaplin; Bericht seines Lebens
Berlin, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): B115 (2mf)
Burnett, R. G.
The cinema for Christ
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): B116 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Burnett, R.G. voir aussi Martell, E.D.
Burton, Jack
The story of Trans-Lux
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): B117 (1mf)
Bushkin, A.I.
Tricks and animation
Moscow, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): B118 (1mf)
Les Cahiers du Mois
Paris, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): C1 (4mf)
Calder-Marshall, Arthur
The changing scene
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C2 (3mf)
Camera! Year book
Réf. microfiche(s): C3 (3mf)
Cameron, James R.
Cameron's encyclopedia on sound motion
Manhattan Beach, N.Y., 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): C4 (4mf)
Cameron, James R. and Joseph A. Dubray
Cinematography and talkies
Woodmont, Ct., 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): C5 (3mf)
Cameron, James R. et al.
Motion picture projection and sound pictures 5th edition. Incorporates 2nd edition of "Sound
Woodmont, Ct., 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): C8 (17mf)
Cameron, James R.
Motion Pictures With Sound
Manhattan Beach, N.Y., 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): C6 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Cameron, James R.
Talking Movies
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): C7 (2mf)
Canada, Department of Labour
Investigation into an alleged combine in the motion picture industry in Canada
Ottawa, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): C9 (3mf)
Cantor, Eddie
Between the acts
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): C10 (2mf)
Cantor, Eddie
Caught Short!
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): C11 (1mf)
Cantor, Eddie
My life is in your hands. As told to David Freedman
New York/London, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): C12 (4mf)
Cantor, Eddie and David Freedman
Ziegfeld; The Great Glorifier
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): C13 (3mf)
Canudo, Ricciotto
L'Usine aux Images
Geneva, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): C14 (2mf)
Carstairs, John Paddy
Movie merry-go-round
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C15 (3mf)
Carter, Huntly
The new spirit in the cinema
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): C16 (6mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Carter, Huntly
The new spirit in the Russian theatre, 1917-28. And a sketch of the Russian Kinema and radio
1919-28 showing the new communal relationship between the three
London, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): C17 (5mf)
Carter, Huntly
The new theatre and cinema of Soviet Russia
London, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): C18 (4mf)
Cauda, Ernesto
Il cinema a colori
Rome, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): C19 (2mf)
Cauda, Ernesto
Le cinematografia per tutti
Rome, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): C20 (2mf)
Cauda, Ernesto
Cinematografia sonora
Milan, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): C21 (4mf)
Cauda, Ernesto
Dizionario poliglotta della cinematografia
Castello, Italy, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): C22 (6mf)
Causton, Bernard and G. Gordon Young
Keeping it dark; or, the censor's handbook. With a foreword by Rebecca West
London, 192?
Réf. microfiche(s): C23 (1mf)
Chaplin, Charles
Charlie Chaplin's own story
Indianopolis, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): C24 (3mf)
Chaplin, Charles
A Comedian Sees the World. In : Woman's Home Companion
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): C25 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Chaplin, Charles
Il comico nel cinema In: L'Italiano No. 17-18
Bologna, November 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): C26 (3mf)
Chaplin, Charlie
My wonderful visit
London, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): C27 (3mf)
Charensol, G.
Panorama du cinéma
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): C28 (3mf)
Charensol, G.
40 ans de cinéma, 1895-1935
Paris, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): C29 (3mf)
Charlie Chaplin, der Vagabund der Welt
Vienna, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): C30 (2mf)
Charlot, Jean
Art from the Mayans to Disney
New York/London
Réf. microfiche(s): C31 (3mf)
Charters, W. W.
Motion pictures and youth; a summary
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): C32 (1mf)
Chase, William Sheafe
Catechism on Motion Pictures in Inter-State Commerce, 3rd edition
Albany, N.Y., 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): C33 (2mf)
Cheremukhim, M.
Music for the sound film
Moscow, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): C34 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Chesmore, Stuart
Behind the cinema screen
London, 193?
Réf. microfiche(s): C35 (2mf)
Chevanne, André
L'Industrie du Cinéma. Le Cinéma sonore
Bordeaux, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): C36 (2mf)
Chiarini, Luigi voir Barbaro, Umberto
Christeson, Frances
A guide to the literature of the motion picture
Los Angeles, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): C37 (1mf)
The Chronicles of America Photoplays
New York
Réf. microfiche(s): C38 (1mf)
The Cinema Buyers' Guide 1937
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C39 (2mf)
Cinema Commission of Inquiry
The cinema : its present position and future possibilities. Being the report of and chief evidence
taken by the Cinema Commission of Inquiry instituted by the National Council of Public Morals
London, 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): C39A (5mf)
The Cinema News and Property Gazette
Year book and diary for 1915
London, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): C40 (8mf)
Cinema year book of Japan, 1938
Tokyo, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): C41 (2mf)
Cinematographic annual. Vols.1 and 2
Hollywood, 1930, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): C42 (13mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Civardi, Luigi
Il cinema di fronte alla morale
Rome, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): C43 (1mf)
Civardi, Luigi
Il cinematografo e i cattolici
Rome, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C44 (1mf)
Clair, René
Paris, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): C45 (3mf)
Clair, René
Le cinématographe contre l'esprit
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): C46 (1mf)
Clair, René
Star turn; a novel of the films
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): C47 (3mf)
Clark, Dudley
Bateman and I in filmland. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman
London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): C48 (1mf)
Clark, J.B.M.
"The West of yesterday" by Tom Mix and "Tony's story" by himself. Compiled and edited by J.B.M.
Clark from interviews with tha author
Los Angeles, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): C49 (2mf)
Cobb, George H.
Motion picture commission of the state of New York. Law and rules and regulations
Albany, N.Y., 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): C50 (1mf)
Cohan, George M.
Twenty Years On Broadway; And the years its took to get there
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): C52 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Cohn, Georg
Berlin, 1909
Réf. microfiche(s): C53 (1mf)
Coissac, G.-Michel
Les coulisses du cinéma
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): C54 (3mf)
Coissac, G.-Michel
Histoire du Cinématographe; De ses origines à nos jours
Paris, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): C55 (7mf)
Collina, Vittorio
Il cinema e le arti
Faenza, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): C56 (1mf)
Colombini, Umberto
Il mito di Hollywood
Milan, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): C57 (4mf)
Commission on Educational and Cultural Films
The film in national life
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): C58 (3mf)
Cooke, Alistair
Douglas Fairbanks; The Making of a Screen Character
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): C61 (1mf)
Cooke, Alistair, ed.
Garbo and the Night Watchmen : A Selection from the writings of British and American Film Critics
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C62 (4mf)
Coombs, F. voir Pitchford, R.
Cooper, Merian C.
New York/London, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): C63 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Cornell, Katharine
I Wanted to Be an Actress. The autobiography of Katharine Cornell as told to Ruth Woodbury
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): C64 (5mf)
Cousins, E. G.
Filmland in ferment
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): C65 (4mf)
Cousins, E. G.
How to enter the film world
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): C66 (2mf)
Cousins, E. G.
What I want from life
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): C67 (2mf)
Cowan, Lester,ed.
Recording sound for motion pictures
New York/London, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): C69 (5mf)
Crawley, A. E.
The technique of lawn tennis; demonstrated by cinematography
London, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): C70 (1mf)
Creel, George
How we advertised America
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): C71 (6mf)
Crosby, Ted and Larry Crosby
Los Angeles, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C72 (3mf)
Croy, Homer
How Motion Pictures Are Made
New York/London, 1918
Réf. microfiche(s): C73 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Croy, Homer
The Last Word (Collection of epitaphs)
Hollywood, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): C74 (1mf)
Cruillas, Gabriele
Estetica generale della cinegrafia sonora
Rome, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): C75 (1mf)
Crump, Irving
The boys'book of newsreel hunters
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): C76 (3mf)
Crump, Irving
Our movie makers
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): C77 (3mf)
Cudlipp, Percy
Maurice Chevalier's own story
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): C78 (2mf)
Cullman, Howard S.
Popular art and profit in motion pictures
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): C79 (1mf)
Cullman, Howard S.
Propaganda or profits
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): C80 (1mf)
Dale, Edgar
Children's attendance at motion pictures
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): D1 (1mf)
Dale, Edgar
The content of motion pictures
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): D2 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Dale, Edgar
How to appreciate motion pictures
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): D3 (3mf)
Dale, Edgar
Teaching motion picture appreciation
Columbus, Ohio, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): D4 (1mf)
Dale, Edgar and Fred P. Frutchey
Evaluation in motion-picture appreciation
Columbus, Ohio, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): D5 (1mf)
Dale, Edgar and Lloyd L. Ramseyer
Teaching with motion pictures
Washington, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): D6 (1mf)
Dalrymple, Ian voir Bairnsfather, Bruce
Daly, Alan D.
A handbook on rating of cinemas
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): D7 (1mf)
Dangerfield, Fred and Norman Howard
How to become a film artiste
London, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): D8 (2mf)
Darewski, Mme. Max voir Miller, Ruby
Davies, Clara Novello
The life I have loved
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): D9 (4mf)
Davies, Dentner
Jean Harlow; Hollywood comet
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): D10 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Davis, Hassoldt
Land of the Eye. A Narrative of the Labors, Adventures, Alarums and Excursions of the DenisRoosevelt Asiatic Expedition to Burma, China, India and the Lost Kingdom of Nepal
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): D11 (5mf)
Davis, Helen Caldwell
Specific values of educational films used as supplementary aids
Chicago, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): D12 (4mf)
Davy, Charles, ed.
Footnotes to the Film
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): D13 (5mf)
Day, Wilfred
Illustrated Catalogue of the Will Day Historical Collection of Cinematograph and Moving Picture
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): D14 (2mf)
Debries, E.
Hollywood as it really is. 60 pictures with an introduction and explanations
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): D15 (1mf)
Delluc, Louis
Charlie Chaplin. Translated by Hamish Miles
New York, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): D16 (2mf)
Delluc, Louis
Cinéma & Cie
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): D17 (4mf)
Delluc, Louis
Drames de cinéma : La fête expagnole; Le silence fièvre; La femme de nulle part
Paris, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): D18 (2mf)
Delluc, Louis
La jungle du cinéma
Paris, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): D19 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Delmont, Joseph
Wild animals on the films. Translated from the German by G. Morrison Gilmour
London, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): D20 (3mf)
Delpeuch, André
Le cinéma
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): D21 (4mf)
De Mille, William C.
Hollywood saga
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): D22 (4mf)
Dench, Ernest A.
Advertising by Motion Pictures
Cincinnati, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): D23 (3mf)
Dench, Ernest A.
Making the movies
New York, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): D24 (3mf)
Dench, Ernest A.
Motion Picture Education
Cincinnati, 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): D25 (4mf)
Dench, Ernest A.
Playwriting for the cinema; dealing with the writing and marketing of scenarios
London, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): D26 (2mf)
Diamant-Berger, Henri
Le cinéma (La censure : pp.241-9)
Paris, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): D27 (4mf)
Dickson, W.K.L.
The Biograph in Battle; Its Story in the South African War
London, 1901
Réf. microfiche(s): D28 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Dickson, W.K.L. and Mrs. Dickson
The Edison vitascope
Réf. microfiche(s): D29 (1mf)
Dickson, W.K.L. and Antonia Dickson
History of the Kinetograph, Kinetoscope and Kinetophonograph
Twickenham, Middlesex, 1895
Réf. microfiche(s): D30 (1mf)
Diehl, Oskar
Mimik im Film
München, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): D31 (2mf)
Dietz, Howard and Howard Strickling, eds.
Who's who at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Culver City, Calif., 1939?
Réf. microfiche(s): D32 (2mf)
Disque Vert, Le
Charlot (Charlie Chaplin) nos. 4-5
Paris, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): D33 (2mf)
Dixon, Thomas
The birth of a nation; the clansman
Réf. microfiche(s): D34 (4mf)
Dixon, Thomas
The clansman; an historical romance of the Ku Klux Klan
London, 1905
Réf. microfiche(s): D35 (5mf)
Doherty, Edward
The rain girl : the tragic story of Jeanne Eagels
Philadelphia, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): D36 (4mf)
Dored, John and Robert M. Low
I shoot the world
Philadelphia/New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): D37 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Doyle, G. R.
Twenty-Five Years of Films; Reminiscences and Reflections of a Critic
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): D38 (4mf)
Dreiser, Theodore
An American tragedy
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): D39 (9mf)
Dressler, Marie
The Eminent American Comedienne Marie Dressler in The Life Story of an Ugly Duckling
New York, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): D40 (4mf)
Dressler, Marie
My own story, as told to Mildred Harrington
Réf. microfiche(s): D41 (3mf)
Drinkwater, John
The life and adventures of Carl Laemmle
London, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): D42 (4mf)
Dubray, Joseph A. voir Cameron, James R.
Dumoret, J.-J. voir Meignen, E.
Dysinger, Wendell S. and Christian A. Ruckmick
The emotional responses of children to the motion picture situation
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): D43 (2mf)
Ehrenburg, Ilya
Die Traumfabrik; Chronik des Films. Translated from the Russian MS by Rudolf Selke. French title
: Usine des rêves
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): E1 (4mf)
Eisenstein, Sergei M.
The Eisenstein Tratment of an American tragedy by theodore Dresiser
Réf. microfiche(s): E2 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Eisenstein, Sergei M.
The Soviet screen
Moscow, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): E3 (1mf)
Eisenstein, Sergei M.
Synopsis of arrangement of scenes for Sutter's gold
Réf. microfiche(s): E4 (2mf)
Elliott, Eric
Anatomy of motion picture art
Territet, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): E5 (2mf)
Eloesser, Arthur
Elisabeth Bergner
Charlottenburg, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): E6 (2mf)
Elwood, Muriel
Pauline Frederick; On and Off the Stage
Chicago, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): E7 (3mf)
Emerson, John and Anita Loos
Breaking into the movies
New York, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): E8 (2mf)
Emerson, John and Anita Loos
How to write photoplays
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): E9 (2mf)
L'Encylopédie de l'Architecture
Théâtres et cinémas
Paris, 1930?
Réf. microfiche(s): E10 (1mf)
Encyclopédie par L'Image
Le cinéma
Paris, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): E11 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Epstein, Jean
Cinéma : collection des tracts
Paris, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): E12 (2mf)
Ernst, Morris L.
Too big
Boston, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): E14 (4mf)
Ernst, Morris L. and Alexander Lindey
The censor marches on; Recent Milestones in the Administration of the Obscenity Law in the
United States
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): E15 (4mf)
Ernst, Morris L. and Pare Lorentz
Censored; the private life of the movie
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): E16 (3mf)
Ernst, Morris L. and William Seagle
To the Pure… a study of obscenity and the censor
New York, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): E17 (4mf)
Ervine, St John
The Alleged Art of the Cinema
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): E18 (1mf)
Fairbanks, Douglas
The True Life Story of Douglas Fairbanks
Réf. microfiche(s): F1 (1mf)
Fairbanks, Douglas and Edward Knoblock
The Three Musketers; As interpreted for the screen from Alexander Dumas' Immortal Novel
New York, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): F2 (1mf)
Fairthorne, Robert and Stuart Legg
The cinema and television (ed. Arthur Elton)
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): F3 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Famous Players - Lasky Corporation
Biographies of the stars
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): F4 (1mf)
Fanck, Arnold
Der Kampf mit dem Berge
Berlin, 193?
Réf. microfiche(s): F5 (2mf)
Fanck, Arnold
Sturme uber dem Montblanc; ein Filmbildbuch
Basel, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): F6 (4mf)
Farquharson, J.
Picture plays; And How to Write Them
London, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): F7 (2mf)
Farrar, Geraldine
Such sweet compulsion (autobiography)
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): F8 (4mf)
Faure, Elie
The Art of Cineplastics. Translated from the French by Walter Pach
Boston, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): F9 (1mf)
Faure, Jacques
L'entretien et l'exploitation du cinéma, comment on tourne, comment on fabrique, comment on
exploite un film
Paris, 192?
Réf. microfiche(s): F10 (1mf)
Fawcett, L'Estrange
Die Welt des Films. Unter Mitwirkung des Wiener Filmbundes fur die deutsche Ausgabe frei
bearbeitet und erganzt von C. Zell und S. Walter Fischer
Zurich, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): F11 (4mf)
Fawcett, L'Estrange
Films; facts and forecasts
London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): F12 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Fawcett, L'Estrange
Writing for the films
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): F13 (2mf)
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
The Public Relations of the Motion Picture Industry
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): F14 (2mf)
Félix, Jean
Le chemin du cinéma; Comment accéder aux différentes carrières cinématographiques, art,
commerce, industrie, technique
Paris, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): F15 (2mf)
The Felix annual : Picture Stories of the Famous Film Cat
London, 1925?-1929?
Réf. microfiche(s): F16 (2mf)
Feo, G. de
Les impressions des jeunes sur les films de guerre
Rome, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): F17 (1mf)
Field, Mary
Children and films : a study of boys and girls in the cinema
Dunfermline, 1954
Réf. microfiche(s): F18 (1mf)
Film Daily Cavalcade
The Film Daily presents Cavalcade, yesterday, today, tomorrow of the motion picture industry
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): F19 (4mf)
The Film Daily director's annual and production guide, 1929-37
New York 1929-37
Réf. microfiche(s): F20 (41mf)
The Film Daily production guide and director's annual 1935
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): F21 (5mf)
The Film Daily Year book of motion pictures, 1918-1940
New York, 1918-1940
Réf. microfiche(s): F22 (186mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Film-Führer : Das Handbuch fur tonfilm und stumme Produktion
Berlin, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): F23 (5mf)
Das grosse Bilderbuch des Films
Berlin, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): F25 (9mf)
The Film-lovers' annual
London, 1932-34
Réf. microfiche(s): F26 (4mf)
Film Pictorial annual
London, 1935-38
Réf. microfiche(s): F27 (4mf)
Film star who's who on the screen
Réf. microfiche(s): F28 (1mf)
Film survey. 8th edition. Lists showings at theatres in 1930
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): F29 (9mf)
The filmgoers' annual, 1932
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): F31 (2mf)
Films for the teaching of democracy
Washington, D.C., 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): F32 (1mf)
Filmtaschenbuch fur alle
Halle (Saale), 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): F33 (2mf)
Fischer, F. and H. Lichte
Tonfilm Aufnahme und Wiedergabe nach dem Klangfilm-Verfahren; Herausgegeben fur die
Klangfilm G.m.b.H.
Leipzig, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): F34 (6mf)
Flaherty, Frances Hubbard
Elephant Dance
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): F35 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Flaherty, Frances and Ursula Leacock
Sabu the elephant boy
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): F36 (1mf)
Flaherty, Robert J.
My Eskimo friends; ""Nanook of the north"". In collaboration with Frances Hubbard Flaherty
London, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): F37 (3mf)
Flaherty, Robert J.
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): F38 (2mf)
Fletcher, John Gould
The Crisis of the Film
Seattle, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): F40 (1mf)
Floherty, John J.
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): F41 (2mf)
Florey, Robert
Charlie Chaplin; ses débuts, ses films, ses aventures
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): F42 (1mf)
Florey, Robert
Fimland; Los Angelès et Hollywood, les capitales du cinéma
Paris, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): F43 (4mf)
Foort, Reginald
The cinema organ; a description in non-technical language of a fascinating instrument and how it is
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): F44 (2mf)
Ford, Richard
Children in the cinema
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): F45 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Forman, Henry James
Our Movie made children
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): F46 (4mf)
Fortune, [Mrs] Jan
Texas history movies (Illustrations by Jack Patton)
Dallas, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): F47 (3mf)
Fourth Annual Critics' Forum
If I were - a producer - an exhibitor - a publicity man by the newspaper critics of America
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): F48 (1mf)
Fowler, Gene
Father goose; The Story of Mack Sennett
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): F49 (5mf)
Fowler, Gene and Besse Meredyth
The mighty Barnum; a screen play
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): F50 (3mf)
Fox, Charles Donald
Famous Film Folk
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): F51 (3mf)
Fox, Charles Donald
Mirrors of Hollywood; with brief biographies of favorite film folk
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): F52 (2mf)
Fox, Charles Donald and Milton L. Silver
Who's who on the screen
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): F53 (5mf)
Foy, Eddie and Alvin F. Harlow
Clowning Through Life
New York, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): F54 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Franklin, Harold B.
Motion picture theater mangement
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): F55 (4mf)
Franklin, Harold B.
Sound motion pictures: from the laboratory to their presentation
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): F56 (5mf)
Freeburg, Victor Oscar
The art of photoplay making
New York, 1918
Réf. microfiche(s): F57 (4mf)
Freeburg, Victor Oscar
Pictorial beauty on the screen
New York, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): F58 (3mf)
Freedman, David voir Cantor, Eddie
Freisburger, Walther
Theater im Film
Emsdetten, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): F59 (2mf)
Frieser, Hellmuth and Herbert Staude
Jahresbericht der Photographie, Kinematographie und Reproduktionstechnik fur das Jahr 1937
Leipzig, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): F60 (7mf)
Frohlich, Louis D. and Charles Schwartz
The law of motion pictures
New York, 1918
Réf. microfiche(s): F61 (11mf)
Frohman, Daniel
Daniel Frohman presents; An Autobiography
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): F62 (5mf)
Frutchey, Fred P. voir Dale, Edgar
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Fuchsig, Heinrich
Rund um den Film; Grundriss einer allgemeinen Filmkunde
Wien, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): F63 (3mf)
Fulop-Miller, René
The motion picture in America
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): F64 (5mf)
Fulop-Miller, René
Die Phantasiemaschine; eine Saga der Gewinnsucht
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): F65 (3mf)
Funk, Alois
Film und Jugend
Munchen, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): F66 (2mf)
Furduyev, V. V.
Film tomorrow
Moscow, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): F67 (3mf)
Furmanov, Dmitri
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): F68 (4mf)
Furniss, Harry
Our Lady Cinema; how and why I went into the photo-play world and what I found there
Bristol/London, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): F69 (3mf)
Gad, Urban
Der Film: seine Mittel -seine Ziele
Berlin, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): G1 (4mf)
Gance, Abel
J'accuse, d'après le film d'Abel Gance
Paris, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): G2 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Gance, Abel
Napoléon vu par Abel Gance
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): G3 (1mf)
Gaumont Company
Les établissements Gaumont (1895-1929)
Paris, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): G4 (4mf)
Gehrts, M.
A camera actress in the wilds of Togoland
London, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): G5 (5mf)
Geifmeier, Heinrich voir Kolb, Richard
George, W.H.
The cinema in school
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): G7 (2mf)
George, W. Tyacke
Playing to pictures. A Guide for Pianists and Conductors of Motion Pictures Theatres.
London, 1912
Réf. microfiche(s): G8 (1mf)
George, W. Tyacke
Playing to pictures. A Guide for Pianists and Conductors of Motion Pictures Theatres. 2nd edition
London, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): G9 (2mf)
Gillspie, Stirling
Celluloid safari; Filming Big Game from Cape to Cairo
London/Glascow, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): G12 (4mf)
Giussani, C.E.
Industria e produzione cinematografica
Milan, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): G13 (2mf)
Golden, Nathan D., compiler
Brief history and statistics of the American motion picture industry
Washington, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): G15 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Golden, Nathan D.
Review of foreign film markets during 1936
Washington, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): G16 (2mf)
Golden, Nathan D.
Review of foreign film markets during 1939
Washington, D.C., 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): G17 (1mf)
Goldwyn, Samuel
Behind the screen
New York, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): G18 (3mf)
Gordon, Jan and Cora Gordon
Star-dust in Hollywood
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): G19 (4mf)
Gorel, Michel
Le monde truqué; les mystères du Cinéma
Paris, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): G20 (3mf)
Götz, Karl August
Der Film als journalistisches Phänomen
Düsseldorf, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): G14 (3mf)
Grace, Dick
I Am Still Alive
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): G21 (3mf)
Grace, Dick
Squadron of death; The True Adventures of A Movie Plane-Crasher
Garden City, N.Y., 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): G22 (4mf)
Graham, Carroll and Garrett Graham
Queer, people
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): G23 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Grassman, Joachim and Walter Rahts
Film und Farbe
Berlin, 1942
Réf. microfiche(s): G24 (2mf)
Grau, Hermann
Technik und Film: Die Filmkamera im Dienste der Technik und Wissenschft
Stuttgard, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): G25 (1mf)
Grau, Robert
The business man in the amusement world
New York, 1910
Réf. microfiche(s): G26 (5mf)
Grau, Robert
The stage in the twentieth century
New York, 1912
Réf. microfiche(s): G27 (6mf)
Grau, Robert
The theatre of sciences. A Volume of Progress and Achievment in the Motion Picture Industry
New York, 1914 (reprint 1969)
Réf. microfiche(s): G28 (6mf)
Green, Fitzhugh
The Film Finds Its Tongue
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): G29 (4mf)
Gregor, Joseph
Das Zeitalter des Films
Wien/Leipzig, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): G30 (4mf)
Gregor, Joseph
Meister deutscher Schauspielkunst : Krauss, Klopfer, Jannings, George
Bremen, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): G31 (2mf)
Gregory, Carl Louis
Motion picture photography. 2nd edition
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): G32 (6mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Griffith, Mrs. D.W.
When the movies were young
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): G33 (4mf)
Griffith, David Wark
The Rise and Fall of Free Speech in America
Los Angeles, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): G34 (1mf)
Groll, Gunter
Film, die unentdeckte Kunst
München, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): G35 (2mf)
Guitry, Sacha
If I remember right, memoirs of Sahca Giutry. Translated from the French by Lewis Galantière
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): G36 (4mf)
Gunther, Walther
Der Film als politisches Führungsmittel
Leipzig, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): G37 (1mf)
Gunther, Walther
Film-und Lichtbild-gebrauch
Leipzig, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): G38 (2mf)
Hacker, Leonard
Cinrmatic design
Boston, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): H1 (3mf)
Hadamovsky, Eugen
Propaganda und nationale Matcht
Oldenburg, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): H2 (2mf)
Hall, Hal, ed.
Cinematographic annual, Vol. 1
Hollywood, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): H3 (7mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Hall, Hal, ed.
Cinematographic annual, Vol. 2
Hollywood, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): H4 (6mf)
Hampton, Benjamin B.
A history of the movies
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): H6 (7mf)
Hannon, William Morgan
The photodrama; its place among the fine arts
New Orleans, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): H7 (1mf)
Hanson, Dorothy
The Social Signifiance of the Motion Picture
Durham, N.H., 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): H8 (1mf)
Harley, John Eugene
World-wide influences of the cinema : a study of official censorship and the international cultural
aspects of motion pictures
Los Angeles, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): H9 (4mf)
Harlow, Alvin F. voir Foy, Eddie
Harms, Rudolf
Philosophie des Films; seine ästhetischen und metaphysischen Grundlagen
Leipzig, 1926 (Zurich 1970)
Réf. microfiche(s): H10 (3mf)
Harms, Rudolf
Kulturbedeutung und Kulturgefahren des Films
Karlsruche, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): H11 (1mf)
Harrison, Louis Reeves
Réf. microfiche(s): H12 (2mf)
Hart, William S.
My life east and west
Boston/New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): H14 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Hart, William S.
Told under a white oak tree, by Bill Hart's pinto pony, edited by his master
Boston, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): H15 (1mf)
Hartley, William H.
Selected films for American History and Problems
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): H16 (3mf)
Hauser, Philip M. voir Blumer, Herbert
Hawks, Mary G.
Motion pictures, A Problem for the Nation
Washington, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): H17 (1mf)
Hays, Will H.
See and hear. A brief history of motion pictures and development of sound
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): H18 (1mf)
Hellwig, Albert
Die Filmzensur : Eine rechtsdogmatische und rechtspolitische Erorterung
Berlin, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): H19 (1mf)
Hémardinquer, P.
Le cinéma sur film réduit; Le cinéma d'amateur
Paris, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): H20 (3mf)
Hémardinquer, P.
Le cinématographe sonore
Paris, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): H21 (3mf)
Hendricks, Bill and Howard Waugh
Charles "Chick" Lewis presents The encyclopedia of exploitation
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): H22 (5mf)
Henie Sonja
Wings on my feet
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): H23 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Hepworth, Cecil M.
Animated photography; the ABC of the cinematograph
London, 1897
Réf. microfiche(s): H24 (2mf)
Hepworth, Cecil M.
Animated photography; the ABC of the cinematograph. 2nd edition. Revised by Hector Maclean
London, 1900
Réf. microfiche(s): H25 (2mf)
Herkt, Gunther
Das Tonfilmtheater : Umbau, Neubau, Tongerat, Betrieb, Vorfuhrung, Wirtschaftlichkeit
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): H26 (4mf)
Herman, Hal C., ed.
How I broke into the movies : signed autobiographies by Sisty Famous Screen Stars
Hollywood, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): H27 (2mf)
Herring, Robert
Films of the year, 1927-1928
Réf. microfiche(s): H28 (2mf)
Hessel, Franz
Marlene Dietrich
Berlin, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): H29 (1mf)
Heyden, Eberhard v.d. et al
Wunderwelt Film : Künstler und Werkleute einer Weltmacht
s.l., 193?
Réf. microfiche(s): H30 (2mf)
Heygate, John
Talking picture
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): H31 (4mf)
Heymann, Robert
Der Film in der Karikatur
Berlin, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): H32 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Hill, Laurance L. and Silas E. Snyder
Can Anything Good Come Out of Hollywood?
s.l., 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): H33 (1mf)
Hippler, Dr Fritz
Betrachtungen zum Filmschaffen
Berlin, 1942
Réf. microfiche(s): H34 (2mf)
Hoerle, Helen
The story of Freddie Bartholomew
Akron, Ohio/New York
Réf. microfiche(s): H35 (2mf)
Hoffmann, Arthur
Bild und Film im Unterricht, Die neuen Aufgaben nach Zielsetzung und Verfahren
Stuttgard, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): H36 (4mf)
Hoft, Albert
Buch, Bild und Film als Forderer volkischer Naturerziehung
Erfurt, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): H37 (2mf)
Holaday, P.W. and George D. Stoddard
Getting ideas from the movies
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): H38 (2mf)
Hollriegel, Arnold
Hollywood Bilderbuch
Leipzig, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): H40 (2mf)
Holme, C.G., ed.
Art in the U.S.S.R. : architecture, sculpture, painting, graphic arts, theatre, film, crafts Uniform title :
The studio
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): H41 (2mf)
Holstius, E. Nils
Hollywood through the back door
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): H42 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Hopper, DeWolf
Reminiscences of DeWolf Hopper; Once a Clown Always a Clown
Garden City, N.Y., 1925-1927
Réf. microfiche(s): H43 (3mf)
Hopwood, Henry V.
Hopwood's living picutres. New edition, revised and enlarged by R.B. Foster
London, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): H44 (5mf)
Hopwood, Henry V.
Living pictures; their history, photo-production and practical working, with A. Digest of British
Patents and Annoted Bibliography
London, 1899
Réf. microfiche(s): H45 (4mf)
Hornby, Clifford
Shooting without stars
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): H46 (4mf)
Horne, Mary C.
The Cinema in Education; And as an Amusement and Entertainment
London, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): H47 (1mf)
Howard, Norman voir Dangerfield, Fred
Howe, Frederic C.
The Question of Motion Picture Censorship
New York, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): H48 (1mf)
Hubert, Ali
Hollywood; Legende und Wirklichkeit
Leipzig, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): H49 (3mf)
Hudson, Will E.
Icy hell; Experiences of a news reel cameraman in the Aleutian Island, Eastern Siberia and the
Artic fringe of Alaska
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): H50 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Hughes, Elinor
Famous stars of filmdom (Men)
Boston, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): H51 (5mf)
Hughes, Laurence A., ed.
The truth about the movies, by ste stars
Hollywood, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): H52 (6mf)
Hugon, P. D.
Hints to Newsfilm Cameramen
Jersey City, N.J., 1951
Réf. microfiche(s): H53 (1mf)
Hulfish, David S.
Motion-picture work
Chicago, 1915, 2 vols.
Réf. microfiche(s): H54 (8mf)
Humfrey, Robert
Careers in the films
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): H55 (2mf)
Hunter, William
Scrutiny of cinema
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): H56 (1mf)
Hutchison, J. H.
The complete kinemanager
s.l., 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): H57 (3mf)
Ickes, Paul
Conrad Veidt
Berlin, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): I1 (2mf)
Ihering, Herbert
Emil Jannings; Baumeister seines Lebens und seiner Filme
Berlin, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): I2 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Iizima, Tadas et al, eds.
Cinema year book of Japan, 1937
Tokyo, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): I3 (3mf)
Illustrierter Film-Almanach auf das Jahr 1921
Berlin, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): I4 (3mf)
Imperial Institute
Empire film library; catalogue
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): I5 (1mf)
Ince, Thomas H.
History and development of the motion picture industry
s.l., 192?
Réf. microfiche(s): I6 (3mf)
Indian Cinematograph Committee
Report of the Indian cinematograph committee 1927-1928
Madras, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): I7 (3mf)
Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle
Le rôle intellectuel du cinéma
Paris, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): I9 (4mf)
Institut International du Cinématographe Educatif
Cinéma et éducation
Rome, 193?
Réf. microfiche(s): I10 (4mf)
Institut International du Cinématographe Educatif
Cinéma et enseignement
Rome, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): I11 (5mf)
International Educational Cinematographic Institute
The cinema and scientific management
Rome, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): I12 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
International Educational Cinematographic Institute
The cinematograph and hygiene
Rome, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): I13 (2mf)
International Educational Cinematographic Institute
The social aspects of the cinema
Rome, 1934?
Réf. microfiche(s): I14 (4mf)
International Film Congress, Berlin 1935
Germany and the German film. Preface and captions in German, French and English
Berlin, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): I15 (2mf)
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation
The cinema and the public. Preliminary Results of an international Enquiry
Paris, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): I16 (1mf)
International motion picture almanac 1929-1940/41 (Title varies)
New York, 1929-41
Réf. microfiche(s): I18 (108mf)
Ioffe, I. I.
Music of the Soviet cinema
Leningrad, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): I19 (2mf)
Iros, Ernst
Wesen und Dramaturgie des Films
Zurich/Leipzig, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): I20 (10mf)
Irsky, G. L.
Elementary principles of the sound film
Moscow, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): I21 (3mf)
Irwin, Will
The house that shadows built
Garden City, N.Y., 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): I22 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Instituto Nazional ""LUCE""
Catalogo generale dei soggetti cinematografici
Rome, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): I23 (5mf)
Instituto Nazional ""LUCE""
Origine organizzazione e attivita dell'Istituto Nazionale ""LUCE""
Rome, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): I24 (2mf)
Jacobs, Lewis
Film writing forms; methods of preparing a story for the screen
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): J1 (1mf)
Jacobs, Lewis
The rise of the American film, a critical history
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): J2 (7mf)
Jahrbuch der Filmindustrie
Berlin, 1930, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): J3 (22mf)
Jahrbuch der Reichsfilmkammer
Berlin, 1937-39
Réf. microfiche(s): J4 (10mf)
Janes, H. Paul
Screen and projector in Christian education
Philadelphia, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): J5 (2mf)
Jason, A.
Das Filmschaffen in Deutscland 1935 bis 1939
Berlin, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): J6 (2mf)
Jason, A.
Handbuch der Filmwirtschaft… Band II Film-Europa
Berlin, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): J7 (3mf)
Jason, A.
Handbuch der Filmwirtschaft… Band III Die erste Tonfilmperiode
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): J8 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Jeanne, René
Cinéma, amour et cie
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): J9 (3mf)
Jeannot, Fred
Le film de cinéma
Paris, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): J10 (2mf)
Jellinek, Guido
Due nuovi sistemi di cinematografia in rilievo
Milan, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): J11 (2mf)
Jenkins, C. Francis
Animated pictures; An Exposition of the Historical Development of Chronophotography
Washington, 1898
Réf. microfiche(s): J12 (2mf)
Jeunesse Catholique de la Société
Enquête sur une question du jour : le cinéma
Paris, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): J13 (1mf)
Johnson, Martin
Camera trails in Africa
New York, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): J14 (4mf)
Johnson, Martin
Congorilla; adventures with pygmies and gorillas in Africa
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): J15 (4mf)
Johnson, R.V.
Modern picture theatre electrical equipment and projection
s.l., 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): J16 (3mf)
Johnston, Alva
The great Goldwyn
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): J17 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Johnston, Hugh
Travel films; being pen pictures of Europe
Baltimore, 1913
Réf. microfiche(s): J18 (3mf)
Johnston, Winifred
Memo on the movies; War Propaganda, 1914-1939
Norman, Oklahoma, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): J20 (1mf)
Jones, Bernard E., ed.
The Cinematograph Book
London, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): J21 (3mf)
Jones, Charles Reed, ed.
Breaking into the movies
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): J22 (3mf)
Jones, Harold Ellis
Psychological studies of motion pictures. Il Observation and recall as a function of age
Berkeley, Calif., 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): J23 (1mf)
Jones, M. Enid voir Arnold, J.E.
Joynson-Hicks, The Right Hon. The Viscount Brentford
Do we need a censor?
London, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): J24 (1mf)
Jubilé lumière, 1895-1935: 40 ans de cinéma
Paris, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): J25 (1mf)
Justice, Fred C. and Tom R. Smith, eds.
Who's who in the Film World
Los Angeles, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): J26 (3mf)
Kalbus, Oskar
Vom Werden deutscher Filmkunst; 1. Teil : Der stumme Film
Berlin, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): K1 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Kalbus, Oskar
Vom Werden deutscher Filmkunst; 2. Teil : Der Tonfilm
Berlin, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): K2 (2mf)
Kaufmann, Nicholas
Filmtechnik und Kultur
Stuttgart, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): K3 (2mf)
Keliher, Alice V., ed.
Movie workers
s.l., s.d.
Réf. microfiche(s): K4 (1mf)
Kendall, G. P.
Film titling
s.l., 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): K5 (2mf)
Kennedy, Joseph P., ed.
The story of the films; as told by leaders of the industry to the students of the graduate school of
business administration George F. Baker foundation, Harvard University
Chicago/New York/London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): K6 (5mf)
Kerr, Alfred
Russische Filmskunst
s.l., s.d.
Réf. microfiche(s): K7 (2mf)
Kerrigan, Jack W.
How I became a succesfull moving picture star
Los Angeles, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): K8 (1mf)
Kessel, J.
Hollywood : ville mirage
Paris, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): K9 (2mf)
Khanzhonkov, A. A.
First Years of the Russian cinema : reminiscences
Moscow, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): K10 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Kiesling, Barrett C.
How talkies are made
Los Angeles, 1937 (revised edition)
Réf. microfiche(s): K11 (2mf)
Kiesling, Barrett C.
Talking pictures; how they are made and how to appreciate them
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): K12 (4mf)
The Kinematograph and television yearbook
Réf. microfiche(s): K13 (146 mf)
Klingender, F.D. and Stuart Legg
Money behind the screen
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): K16 (1mf)
Knoblock, Edward voir Fairbanks, Douglas
Knowles, Dorothy
The censor, the drama and the film, 1900-1934
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): K18 (4mf)
Knowlton, Daniel C. and J. Warren Tilton
Motion Pictures in History Teaching; A Study of the Chronicles of America Photoplays as an Aid in
Seventh Grade Instruction
Yale, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): K19 (3mf)
Koch, Heinrich and Heinrich Braune
Von deutscher Filmkunst; Gehalt und Gestalt
Berlin, 1943
Réf. microfiche(s): K20 (2mf)
Kolb, Richard and Heinrich Geifmeier, eds.
Rundfunt und Film im Dienste nationaler Kultur
Dusseldorf, 1933?
Réf. microfiche(s): K21 (5mf)
Koon, Cline M.
Motion pictures in education in the United Sates. A report compiled for the international congress
of educational and instructional cinematography
Chicago, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): K22 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Kossowsky, A. voir Beysfuss, Edgar
Kress, E.
Catéchisme de l'opérateur de cinéma
Paris, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): K23 (2mf)
Kreutzberg, Lola
Tiere, Tanzerinnen und Damonen
Dresden, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): K24 (2mf)
Kriegk, Dr. Otto
Der deutsche Film im Spiegel der Ufa : 25 Jahre Kampf und Vollendung
Berlin, 1943
Réf. microfiche(s): K25 (4mf)
Krows, Arthur Edwin
The talkies
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): K26 (3mf)
Kubnick, Henri
Les frères Lumière
Paris, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): K28 (1mf)
Kuhn, Richard
Greta Garbo; der Weg einer Frau und Kunstlerin
Dresden, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): K27 (3mf)
Kuleshov, Lev
The fundamentals of film directing
Moscow, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): K29 (3mf)
Kuleshov, Lev
Practice of the film director
Moscow, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): K30 (3mf)
Kurtz, Rudolf
Expressionismus und Film
Berlin, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): K31 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Laine, Elizabeth
Motion Pictures and Radio; Modern Techniques for Education
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): L1 (2mf)
Lambert, R. S., ed.
For filmgoers only; the intelligent filmgoer's guide to the film
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): L2 (2mf)
Lanchester, Elsa
Charles Laughton and I
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): L3 (4mf)
Landery, Charles
Hollywood is the Place!
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): L5 (3mf)
Landery, Charles
Mr Smith goes to Washington
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): L4 (2mf)
Lane, Tamar
Hollywood and the Movies
Hollywood, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): L6 (2mf)
Lane, Tamar
The new technique of screen writing
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): L7 (4mf)
Lane, Tamar
What's wrong with the movies?
Los Angeles, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): L8 (3mf)
Lang, Edith and George West
Musical accompaniment of moving pictures; A Practical Manual for Pianists and Organists
Boston, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): L9 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Lange, Hellmuth
Der neue Schmalfilmer
Berlin, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): L10 (5mf)
Lapierre, Marcel
Le Cinéma et la Paix
Paris, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): L11 (2mf)
Larson, Cedric voir Mock, James R.
Lasserre, Jean
La vie brûlante de Marlène Dietrich
Paris, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): L12 (3mf)
Latham, G. C. and L. A. Notcutt
The African and the cinema
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): L13 (3mf)
Lathrop, Rev. Charles N.
The Motion Picture Problem
New York, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): L14 (1mf)
Lauwerys, J. A., ed.
The film in the school
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): L15 (2mf)
Lavies, Hanns Wilhem voir Traub, Hans
Lawson, Robb
Films in the making
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): L16 (2mf)
Leacock, Ursula voir Flaherty, Frances
Lebedev, N. A., ed.
The party on the cinema
Moscow, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): L17 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Lefêvre, René
Le film de ma vie
Paris, 1937; vol.2 1938-40
Réf. microfiche(s): L18 (3mf)
Legg, Stuart voir Fairthorne, Robert and Klingender, F.D.
Lehmann, H.
Die Kinematographie ihre Grundlagen und ihre Anwendungen
Leipzig, 1911
Réf. microfiche(s): L19 (2mf)
Lejeune, C.A.
London, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): L20 (3mf)
Leloir, Maurice
Cinq mois à Hollywood avec Douglas Fairbanks
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): L21 (3mf)
Leprohon, Pierre
Charlot ou la naissance d'un mythe
Paris, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): L22 (3mf)
Lernet-Holenia, Alexander
Greta Garbo; Ein Wunder in Bildern
Berlin, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): L23 (2mf)
Lescarboura, Austin C.
Behind the motion-picture screen
New York, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): L25 (5mf)
Lescarboura, Austin C.
Behind the motion-picture screen. 2nd edition
New York, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): L26 (5mf)
Leslie, Shane
The Film of Memory
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): L27 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Levidov, Mikhail
Man and cinema; an aesthetic sociological study
Moscow, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): L29 (2mf)
Levy, Julien
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): L30 (3mf)
Lewis, Cliff voir Trotta, Vincent
Lewis, Howard T.
Cases on the Motion Picture Industry. Havard business reports. Volume 8
s.l., 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): L31 (8mf)
Lewis, Howard T.
The motion picture industry
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): L32 (5mf)
Lewis, Richard voir Rand, Helen
Leyland, Eric voir Wrigley, M. Jackson
Library of Congress
Moving pictures in the United States and foreign countries : A selected list of recent writings.
Compiled by Anne L. Baden
Washington, D. C., 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): L34 (1mf)
Lichte, H. voir Fischer, F.
Lindey, Alexander voir Ernst, Morris L.
Lindsay, Vachel
The art of the moving picture
New York, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): L35 (4mf)
Lindsay, Vachel
The art of the moving picture
New York, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): L36 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Lindsey, Benjamin Barr
Judge Ben B. Lindsey on The Child - The Movie - and Censorship
New York, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): L37 (1mf)
Lipton, Lew
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): L38 (4mf)
Lloyd, Harold
An American comedy
New York, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): L39 (3mf)
Lobel, Léopold
La technique cinématographique
Paris, 1912
Réf. microfiche(s): L40 (4mf)
London, Kurt
Film music. Translated by Eric S. Bensinger
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): L41 (4mf)
London, Kurt
The seven Soviet arts
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): L42 (5mf)
Long, Robert Edgar
David Wark Griffith
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): L43 (2mf)
Loos, Anita voir Emerson, John
Lorant, Stefan
Wir vom Film, das Leben, Lieben, Leiden der Filmstars
Berlin, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): L44 (2mf)
Lore, Colden
The modern photoplay and its construction
London, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): L45 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Lorentz, Pare voir Ernst, Morris L.
Lorenzini, Ermete de
Teoria de la arquitectura; teatros, auditoriums, cines; apuntes del arquitecto
Rosario, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): L47 (4mf)
Low, Robert M. voir Dored, John
Lowe, T. A.
We all go to the pictures. Illustrated and caricatured by Cola
s.l., 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): L48 (3mf)
Lowrey, Carolyn
The first one hundred noted men and women of the screen
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): L49 (3mf)
Lubschez, Ben J.
The story of the Motion Picture : 65 B. C. to 1920 A. D.
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): L50 (1mf)
Lunatscharsky, A. W.
Der russiche Revolutionsfilm
Zurich, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): L51 (1mf)
Lutz, E. G.
Animated cartoons; how they are made their origin and development
London, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): L52 (3mf)
Lutz, E. G.
The motion-picture cameraman
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): L53 (3mf)
Lytton, Grace
Scenario writing today
Boston, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): L54 (2mf)
Macaulay, Richard voir Wald, Jerry
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
McBride, Mary Margaret
The life story of Clarke Gable
New York, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): M1 (1mf)
McBride, Mary Margaret
The life story of Constance Bennett
New York, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): M2 (1mf)
McBride, Mary Margaret
The life story of Greta Garbo
New York, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): M3 (1mf)
McBride, Mary Margaret
The life story of Robert Montgomery
New York, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): M4 (1mf)
McCoy, Horace
I should have stayed home
New York, 1938 (reprint 1978)
Réf. microfiche(s): M5 (3mf)
McEvoy, J. P.
Hollywood girl
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): M6 (3mf)
Mackie, John, ed.
The Edinburgh Cinema Enquiry; being an investigation conducted into the influence of the film on
school children and adolescents in the city
Edinburgh, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): M7 (1mf)
McLaglen, Victor
Express to Hollywood
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): M8 (4mf)
Magnus, Erwin
Lichtspiel und Leben; Filmplaudereien
Berlin, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): M10 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Malins, Lieut. Geoffrey H.
How I filmed the war; a record of the extraordinary experiences of the man who filmed the great
Somme battles, etc.
London, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): M11 (4mf)
Mallet-Stevens, Robert
Le décor moderne au cinéma
Paris, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M12 (1mf)
Mallet-Stevens, Robert et al
L'art cinématographique, VI
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): M13 (2mf)
Maltzev, K., ed.
Soviet cinema faces society
Moscow, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M14 (2mf)
Manvell, Roger
History of the cinema in Europe and America
Réf. microfiche(s): M15 (6mf)
Marchand, René and Pierre Weinstein
Le cinéma
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): M16 (3mf)
Marchand, [Sir] James, ed.
The cinema in education
London, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): M17 (2mf)
Marchetti, Roger
Law of the stage, screen and radio
San Francisco, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): M18 (6mf)
Marey, E. J.
London, 1895
Réf. microfiche(s): M19 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Margrave, Seton, ed.
Meet the film stars, 1934-1935
London, 1936?
Réf. microfiche(s): M21 (3mf)
Margrave, Seton
Sucessful film writing; As Illustrated by ""The Ghost Goes West""
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): M22 (3mf)
Marion, Frances
How to write and sell film stories, with a complete shooting script for Marco Polo by Robert E.
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): M23 (4mf)
Marion, Frances
Minnie Flynn
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): M24 (5mf)
Marroquin, Francisco
La pantalla y el telon (cine y teatro del porvenir)
Madrid, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): M26 (5mf)
Marsh, Mae
Screen acting
Los Angeles, 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): M27 (2mf)
Marston, William M. voir Pitkin, Walter B.
Martell, E. D. and R. G. Burnett
The Devil's Camera; Menace of a Film-ridden World
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): M28 (2mf)
Martin, Olga J.
Hollywood's movie commandments; A Handbook for Motion Picture Writers and Reviewers
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): M29 (4mf)
Martinez, Gandia Rafael
Dolores del Rio
Madrid, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): M30 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
May, Mark A. voir Shuttleworth, Frank K.
Maynard, Lorraine
Twinkle, little movie star
New York/London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): M32 (4mf)
Meignen, E. and J.-J. Dumoret, collaborator
Le code du cinéma
s.l., 1924-25
Réf. microfiche(s): M33 (4mf)
Meloy, Arthur S.
Theatres and Motion Picture Houses
New York, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): M34 (2mf)
Mendel, Victor
Ins Zauberreich des Films
Berlin, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): M35 (4mf)
Mendez-Leite, Fernando
El Cinema y sus misterios
Madrid, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): M36 (3mf)
Mendez-Leite, Fernando
45 anos de cinema espanol
Madrid, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): M37 (3mf)
Meredyth, Bess voir Fowler, Gene
Messel, Rudolph
This film business
London, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M38 (4mf)
Messer, R.
Heroes of the Soviet cinema
Moscow, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): M39 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Messter, Oskar
Mein Weg mit dem Film
Berlin, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): M40 (3mf)
Ben-Hur; A Short History of this Mighty Production
New York, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): M41 (1mf)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's greatest year, 1937-38
Culver City, Calif., 1938?
Réf. microfiche(s): M42 (2mf)
Miketta, Hubert, compiler
Das grosse Bilderbuch des Films
Berlin, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M43 (3mf)
Miller, Max
For the Sake of Shadows
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): M45 (3mf)
Miller, Patsy Ruth
That Flannigan girl
New York
Réf. microfiche(s): M46 (4mf)
Miller, Ruby (Mme Max Darewski)
Believe me or not!
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): M47 (4mf)
Milliken, Carl E.
Motion Pictures and Human Behavior
s.l., 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): M48 (1mf)
Milliken, Carl E.
Who selects America's movies?
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): M49 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Milne, Peter
Motion picture directing; the facts and theories of the newest art
New York, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): M50 (3mf)
Milton, Meyrick
The malady of the British film; Its Cause and Cure
s.l., 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): M51 (1mf)
Minney, R.J.
Hollywood by starlight
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): M52 (3mf)
Mitchell, Alice Miller
Children and movies
Chicago, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M53 (3mf)
Mock, James R. and Cedric Larson
Words that won the war. The Story of The Committee on Public Information, 1917-1919
Princeton, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): M54 (5mf)
Modern cinemas "by various contributors"
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): M55 (2mf)
Moley, Raymond
Are We movie made?
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): M56 (1mf)
Montagu, Ivor
The political censorship of films
London, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): M57 (1mf)
Moreck, Curt
Sittengeschichte des Kinos
Dresden, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): M58 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Moris, Roger
Le cinéma (Étude Économique)
Réf. microfiche(s): M59 (4mf)
Morkovin, Boris V.
History of cinematography as a technique and an art
Los Angeles, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): M60 (2mf)
Motion picture association of America report
New York, 1932-1940
Réf. microfiche(s): M64 (9mf)
Motion picture films
Washington, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M65 (4mf)
Motion picture films
Washington, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): M66 (6mf)
Motion Picture News Blue Book
s.l., 1929 and 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): M67 (8mf)
Motion Picture News Booking Guide and Studio Directory
New York 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): M68 (2mf)
Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America
Film Facts
March 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): M69 (1mf)
Motion Picture trade directory
s.l., 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M71 (11mf)
Moussinac, Léon
Le Cinéma Soviétique
Paris, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M72 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Moussinac, Léon
Naissance du cinéma
Paris, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): M73 (2mf)
Moussinac, Léon
Panoramique du cinéma
Paris, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): M74 (2mf)
Mullen, Pat
Man of Aran
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): M76 (4mf)
Mungenast, E.M.
Asta Nielsen
Stuttgart, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): M77 (2mf)
Munsterberg, Hugo
The photoplay; a psychological study
New York, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): M78 (3mf)
Munzenberg, Willi
Erobert den Film!
Berlin, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): M79 (1mf)
Musée Galliéra
Hommage à Louis Lumière
Réf. microfiche(s): M80 (1mf)
Museum of Modern Art Film Library
100 best books on the film
s.l., 1939?
Réf. microfiche(s): M81 (1mf)
National Catholic Welfare Conference
Report of The Episcopal Committee on Motion Pictures
Washington, D.C., 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): N1 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
National Conference on Motion Pictures
The Community and the Motion Picture
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): N3 (2mf)
National Council of Public Morals
The cinema, its present position and future possibilities
London, 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): N4 (5mf)
National Council on Freedom from Censorship
What shocked the censors! A complete record of cuts in motion picture film ordered by New York
State censors 1/32-3/33
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): N5 (2mf)
Nationale Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Die Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP Amtsleitung FILM auf der Ausstellung "Film und Photo"
Dusseldorf, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): N6 (1mf)
Naumburg, Nancy, ed.
We make the movies
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): N7 (4mf)
Nevinson, Henry Woodd
Films of time; Twelve Fantasies
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): N8 (3mf)
New York Herald Tribune
America's Second Fight for Freedom; report of the New York Herald Tribune tenth annual forum on
current problems, at the Waldor-Astoria New York City, October 22, 23 and 24, 1940
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): N9 (3mf)
[Newman], Ben-Allah
Rudolph Valentino; His Romantic Life and Death
Hollywood, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): N10 (2mf)
Nichols, Beverley
London, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): N11 (10mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Nicoll, Allardyce
Film and theatre
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): N12 (3mf)
Nilsen, Vladimir
The cinema as a graphic art (on a theory of representation in the cinema)
s.l., 1940?
Réf. microfiche(s): N13 (3mf)
Nizer, Louis
New courts of industry : self-regulation under the motion picture code
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): N14 (4mf)
Noble, Lorraine, ed.
Four-star scripts
Garden City, N.Y.
Réf. microfiche(s): N15 (5mf)
Notcutt, L.A. voir Latham, G.C
Oberhltzer, Ellis Paxson
The morals of the movie
Philadelphia, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): O1 (3mf)
O'Brien, P.J.
Will Rogers; Ambassador of Good Will, Prince of Wit and Wisdom
Philadelphia, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): O2 (4mf)
O'Dell, Scott
Representative photoplays analysed
Hollywood, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): O3 (6mf)
Oertel, Rudolf
Filmspiegel; ein Brevier aus der Welt des Films
Wien, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): O4 (5mf)
O'Hara, John
Hope of Heaven
New York
Réf. microfiche(s): O5 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Oldridge, H.B.
Movie Make-Up Manual
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): O6 (1mf)
Ortman, Marguerite G.
Fiction and the Screen
Boston, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): O7 (2mf)
Ottavi, Nino
L'industria cinematografica e la sua organizazione
Rome, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): O8 (4mf)
Ottley, D. Charles
The cinema in education; a handbook for teachers
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): O9 (2mf)
Packer, Eleanor
A Day With Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen
Réf. microfiche(s): P1 (1mf)
Paine, Albert Bigelow
Life and Lilian Gish
New York, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): P3 (4mf)
Palmborg, Rilla Page
The private life of Greta Garbo
London, 1932?
Réf. microfiche(s): P4 (4mf)
Palmer, Edwin O.
History of Hollywood
Hollywood, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): P5 (4mf)
Panofosky, Walter
Die Geburt des Films, ein Stuck Kulturgeschichte
Wurzburg, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): P6 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Paramount-Pep Club, New York
Year Book 1926
New York, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): P7 (2mf)
Paramount Pictures Inc.
Biographies of Paramount players and directors, 1936-1937?. 7th edition
New York, 1937?
Réf. microfiche(s): P8 (3mf)
Paramount Pictures Inc.
Paramount's 20th Birthday jubilee
Hollywood, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): P10 (3mf)
Paramount Pictures Inc.
United States of America, petitionner v. Paramount Pictures inc., et al., defendants. Filed July 20,
1938 (Sherman Anti-trust Act)
s.l., s.d.
Réf. microfiche(s): P9 (2mf)
Parsons, Louella O.
How to write for the "movies"
Chicago, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): P11 (3mf)
Parsons, Louella O.
Jean Harlow's Life Story
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): P12 (1mf)
Pasinetti, Francesco
Storia del cinema
Rome, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): P13 (7mf)
Patterson, Frances Taylor, ed.
Motion picture continuities; A kiss for Cinderella; the scarlet letter; The last command
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): P14 (3mf)
Patterson, Frances Taylor
Scenario and screen
New York, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): P15 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Peden, Charles
Newsreel man
New York, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): P16 (2mf)
Pennsylvania State Board of Censors
List of Films, Reels and Views Examined
Réf. microfiche(s): P17 (5mf)
Perlman, William J.,ed.
The Movies on Trial; the views and opinions of outstanding personalities anent screen
entertainment past and present
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): P18 (3mf)
Perry, Clarence Arthur
The attitude of high school students toward motion pictures
New York, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): P19 (1mf)
Peters, Charles C.
Motion pictures and standards of morality
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): P20 (4mf)
Peterson, Roger C.
Valentino, the unforgotten
Los Angeles, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): P21 (3mf)
Peterson, Ruth C. and L. L. Thurstone
The effect of motion pictures on the social attitudes of high school children
Ann Arbor, Mich., 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): P22 (2mf)
Peterson, Ruth C. and L. L. Thurstone
Motion pictures and the social attitudes of children
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): P23 (1mf)
Petzet, Wolfgang
Verbotene Filme, Eine Streischrift
Frankfurt, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): P24 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Pfeiffer, Heinrich, ed.
Das deusche Lichtbild Buch; Filmprobleme von gesten und heute
Berlin, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): P25 (1mf)
Phelan, John Joseph
Motion pictures as a phase of commercialized amusement in Toledo, Ohio
Toledo, Ohio, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): P26 (4mf)
Phillips, Henry Albert
The photodrama. The philosophy of its principles, the nature of its plot, its dramatic construction
and technique illumined by copious examples. Together with a complete photoplay and a glossary
making the work a practical treatise
New York, 1914 (reprint 1970)
Réf. microfiche(s): P28 (3mf)
Photo et cinéma à l'Exposition de 1937
Paris, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): P29 (3mf)
Photoplay Magazine
Stars of the photoplay
Chicago, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): P30 (3mf)
Photoplay Magazine
Stars of the photoplay
Chicago, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): P31 (3mf)
Photoplay Research Society
Opportunities in the Motion Picture Industry - and how to qualify for positions in its many branches
Los Angeles, 1922 (reprint 1970)
Réf. microfiche(s): P32 (2mf)
Pickford, Mary et al.
Cinema; practical course in cinema acting; in ten complete lessons
London, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): P33 (4mf)
Pickford, Mary
My Rendezvous with Life
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): P34 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Picture Show
Who's Who on the Screen
s.l., 1931?
Réf. microfiche(s): P35 (1mf)
Picture Show
Who's Who on the Screen
s.l., 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): P36 (1mf)
Picture Show
Who's who on the Screen
Réf. microfiche(s): P37 (1mf)
Picture Show annual
s.l., 1926-1940
Réf. microfiche(s): P38 (30mf)
The picturegoer's who's who and encyclopedia of the screen to-day
s.l., 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): P39 (7mf)
Pirandello, Luigi
Shoot! (Si gira…) The notebooks of Serafino Gubbio, cinematograph operator. Translated with a
bibliography of the works of Pirandello by C. K. Scott Moncrieff
London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): P40 (5mf)
Pitchford, R. and F. Coombs
The projectionist's handbook; a complete guide to cinema operating
s.l., 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): P41 (4mf)
Pitkin, Walter B. and William M. Marston
The art of sound pictures
New York/London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): P42 (4mf)
Platt, Agnes
Practical hints on acting for the cinema
s.l., 1921
Réf. microfiche(s): P43 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Plaut, Richard
Taschenbuch des Films
Zurich, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): P44 (2mf)
The Players Inc. Screen Casting Directory 1929-1940
Hollywood, 1929-1940
Réf. microfiche(s): P45 (55mf)
Pollard, Elizabeth Watson
Motion-picture study groups; handbook for the discussion leader
s.l., s.d.
Réf. microfiche(s): P46 (1mf)
Pollard, Elizabeth Watson
Teaching motion-picture appreciation; a manual for teachers of high-school classes
Columbus, Ohio, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): P47 (1mf)
Poluyanov, P., ed.
Soviet cinema
Moscow, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): P48 (2mf)
Popov, Yakob
Film technical glossary
Moscow, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): P49 (2mf)
Potamkin, Harry Alan
The eyes of the movie
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): P50 (1mf)
Potonniée, Georges
Les Origines du Cinématographe
Paris, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): P51 (1mf)
Powell, Michael
200,000 feet on Foula
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): P53 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Preston, Jack
Heil! Hollywood
Chicago, 1939 (reprint 1978)
Réf. microfiche(s): P54 (4mf)
Price, Ira
A hundred million movie-goes must be right…an aid to movie appreciation
Cleveland, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): P55 (2mf)
Progressive Education Association
The commission on human relations
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): P56 (2mf)
Pryor, William Clayton and Helen Sloman Pryor
Let's go to the movies
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): P57 (3mf)
Poudovkin, V.
The cinema. In: The Soviet comes of age, by twenty-eight of the foremost citizens of the U.S.S.R.
s.l., 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): P58 (5mf)
Pudovkin, V. I.
Film Acting. Translated from the Russian by Ivor Montagu
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): P59 (3mf)
Pudovkin, V. I.
Film technique. Translated and annotated by Ivor Montagu
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): P60 (3mf)
Pudowkin, W.
Filmregie und Filmmanuskript
Berlin, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): P61 (3mf)
Quigley, Martin
Decency in motion pictures
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): Q1 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Quigley Publications
Advertising the motion picture : A specimen survey of intra-industry production presentations of
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): Q2 (11mf)
Rahts, Walter voir Grassmann, Joachim
Rambova, Natacha
Rudy : an intimate portrait of Rudolph Valentino by his wife Natacha Rambova
London, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): R1 (3mf)
Ramond, Édouard
La passion de Charlie Chaplin
Paris, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): R2 (3mf)
Ramsaye, Terry, ed.
Fame 1938-1940
New York, 1938-40
Réf. microfiche(s): R3 (17mf)
Ramsaye, Terry
A million and one nights; a history of the motion picture
New York, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): R4 (13mf)
Ramseyer, Lloyd L. voir Dale, Edgar
Rand, Helen and Richard Lewis
Film and school: A Handbook in Moving-Picture Evaluation
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): R5 (3mf)
Rapée, Erno
Erno Rapee's encyclopaedia of music for pictures
New York, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): R6 (6mf)
Rapée, Erno
Motion Picture Moods for Pianists and Organists : A Rapid-Reference Collection of Selected
New York, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): R7 (15mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Rast, Josef
Drama und Spielfilm; eine Studie
Olten, 1942
Réf. microfiche(s): R8 (2mf)
Rathburn, John B.
Motion Picture Making and Exhibiting: A comprehensive volume treating the principles of
motography; the making of motion pictures; the scenario
London, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): R9 (3mf)
Reboul, Eugène
Le cinéma scolaire et éducateur. 2nd édition
Paris, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): R10 (2mf)
Reed, Langford and Hetty Spiers, eds.
Who's who in filmland, 1929. 2nd edition
London, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): R12 (3mf)
Reed, Langford and Hetty Spiers, eds.
Who's who in filmland, 1931. 3rd edition
London, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): R13 (5mf)
Reel, Oren Clayton
The Life of Earle Williams
New York, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): R14 (2mf)
Reeves, May
Charlie Chaplin intimes Souvenirs recueillis par Claire Goll
Paris, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): R15 (3mf)
Reichsfachschaft Film, ed.
Die deutschen Filmschaffenden 1935
Berlin, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): R16 (5mf)
Reid, Bertha Westbrook
Wallace Reid, his life story as related by his mother
New York, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): R17 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Renaitour, M. Jean-Michel
Où va le cinéma français?
Paris, 1937?
Réf. microfiche(s): R18 (6mf)
Renshaw, Samuel et al.
Children's sleep; a series of studies on the influence of motion pictures
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): R19 (3mf)
Report of the Commission of B.Z. Shumyatsky from the study of the American and
European film industry
Moscow, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): R20 (2mf)
Rex, Frederick, comp.
Motion picture censor's and reviewers' manual; A Handbook for the Instruction and Use of State
and City Boards of Censors of Motion Pictures
Hubbard Woods, III., 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): R22 (1mf)
Rex, King of Wild Horses
Racine, Wisconsin, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): R23 (1mf)
Reynolds, Frank
Off to the pictures
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): R24 (2mf)
Rice, John R.
What is Wrong with the Movie?
Grands Rapids, Mich., 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): R25 (2mf)
Richardson, F.H.
Motion picture handbook; A Guide for mangers and operators of motion picture theaters. 2nd
New York, 1912
Réf. microfiche(s): R26 (5mf)
Richardson, F.H.
Motion picture handbook; A Guide for mangers and operators of motion picture theaters. 3rd
New York, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): R27 (8mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Richter, Hans
Filmgegner von heute - Filmfreunde von morgen
Berlin, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): R28 (2mf)
Ricketson, Frank H. (Rick), Jr.
The Management of Motion Picture Theatres
New York, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): R29 (5mf)
Rideout, Eric H.
The American film
s.l., 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): R30 (3mf)
Riefenstahl, Leni
Hinter den Kulissen des Reichsparteitag-Films; Der Film ""Triumph des Willens"" wurde im Auftrag
des Fuhres geschaffen. English translation included
Munich, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): R31 (1mf)
Riefenstahl, Leni
Kampf in Schnee und Eis
Leipzig, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): R31A (3mf)
Riefenstahl, Leni
Schonheit im Olympischen Kampf
Berlin, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): R32 (3mf)
RKO Radio Pictures
Biographical Information on RKO Radio Pictures personalities
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): R33 (2mf)
RKO Radio Pictures
Biographical Information on RKO Radio Pictures personalities
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): R34 (4mf)
RKO Radio Pictures
Catalogue of RKO Stories
s.l., 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): R35 (9mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Robeson, Eslanda Goode
Paul Robeson, negro
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): R36 (2mf)
Robinson, Carlyle T.
La vérité sur Charlie Chaplin : Sa vie, ses amours, ses déboires
Paris, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): R37 (3mf)
Robinson, Martha
Continuity girl
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): R38 (3mf)
Robson, E.W. and M.M. Robson
The film answers back; an historical appreciation of the cinema
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): R39 (5mf)
Rogers, Betty
Will Rogers; His Wife's Story
New York, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): R40 (4mf)
Rohwer-Kahlmann, Harry
Die Reichsfilmkammer, standischer Aubfau und Hoheitsmacht
Leipzig, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): R41 (2mf)
Rosanthal, Alfred [AROS]
Gustav Frolich
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): R44 (1mf)
Rosenthal, Solomon P.
Change of socio-economic attitudes under radical motion picture propaganda
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): R45 (1mf)
Rosmanith, Olga
Picture people
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): R46 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Ross, Murray
Stars and Strikes, unionization of Hollywood
New York, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): R47 (3mf)
Rosten, Leo C.
Hollywood : the movie colony, the movie makers
New York 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): R48 (5mf)
Rotha, Paul
Celluloid; the film to-day
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): R49 (4mf)
Rotha, Paul
Documentary film
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): R50 (4mf)
Rotha, Paul
The documentary method in British films
s.l., 1937?
Réf. microfiche(s): R51 (1mf)
Rotha, Paul
The film till now : a survey of the cinema
s.l., 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): R52 (5mf)
Rotha, Paul
Movie parade
London/New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): R53 (2mf)
Rouge et le noir
Le rouge et le noir, juillet 1928. Cinéma; scénario, études et chroniques de Abel Gance et al.
Paris, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): R54 (3mf)
Royal, Lee
The romance of motion picture production
Los Angeles, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): R55 (1mf)
Ruckmick, Christian A. voir Dysinger, Wndell S.
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Rummele, Emil
Der Spielfilm als Pastoraltheologisches Problem
s.l., 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): R56 (4mf)
Rutenberg, Joachim and Hermann Strodecke
Handbuch des Filmvorfuhrers
Berlin, 1941
Réf. microfiche(s): R57 (3mf)
Rutland, J.R., comp.
State Censorship of Motion Pictures
New York, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): R58 (2mf)
Sabaneev, Leonid
Music for the films
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): S1 (2mf)
Sander, A.U.
Jugend und Film
Berlin, 1944
Réf. microfiche(s): S2 (2mf)
Sargent, Epes Winthrop
Picture theatre advertising
New York, 1915
Réf. microfiche(s): S3 (4mf)
Sargent, Epes Winthrop voir aussi Barry. John F.
Schaefer, Jack W., ed.
The movies… and the people who make them
New Haven, 1939-1941
Réf. microfiche(s): S4 (9mf)
Schay, E.
Manual of Goldwyn Branch Operations
New York, 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): S5 (1mf)
Schliepmann, Hans
Berlin, 1914
Réf. microfiche(s): S6 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Schmitt, Walter
Das Filmwesen und seine Wechselbeziehungen zur Gesellschaft; Versuch einer Soziologie des
Freudenstadt, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): S7 (2mf)
Schrieber, Karl-Friedrich
Das Recht der Reichskulturkammer
Berlin, 1935-36
Réf. microfiche(s): S8 (10mf)
Schwartz, Charles voir Fohlich, Louis D.
Scotland, John
The talkies
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): S9 (3mf)
Seabury, William Marston
Motion picture problems; The Cinema and the League of Nations
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): S10 (5mf)
Seabury, William Marston
The public and the motion picture industry
New York, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): S11 (4mf)
Seagle, William voir Ernst, Morris L.
Seldes, Gilbert
An hour with the movies and the talkies
Philadelphia/London, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): S12 (2mf)
Seldes, Gilbert
Movies for the millions; An Account of Motion Pictures, Principally in America. With a Preface by
Charlie Chaplin
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): S13 (3mf)
Seldes, Gilbert
The seven lively arts
New York, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): S14 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Shand, P. Morton
Modern theatres and cinemas
London, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): S15 (2mf)
Shapiro, Clarence M.
I Scout for Movie Talent; A guide to the requirements for an artist's entry into motion pictures, with
practical suggestions applicable to any line of dramatic endeavor
Chicago, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): S16 (2mf)
Sharon, Mary and Gertrude Temple
How I raised Shirley Temple; By her mother (Mrs Gertrude Temple); As told to Mary Sharon
Akron, Ohio, 1935?
Réf. microfiche(s): S17 (1mf)
Sheehan, Perley Poore
Hollywood as a world center
Hollywood, 1924
Réf. microfiche(s): S18 (2mf)
Sheehan, Perley Poore
Lola Montez; her pagan majesty or Queen errant
Los Angeles, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): S19 (1mf)
Sherwood, Robert E., ed.
The best moving picture of 1922-23. Also : who's who in the movies and the yearbook of the
American screen
Boston, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): S20 (5mf)
Shirley Temple Through the Day
Akron, Ohio, 193?
Réf. microfiche(s): S22 (1mf)
Shklovsky, V.
How to write a scenario
Moscow, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): S23 (1mf)
Shumyatsky, Boris
The film for the millions
s.l., 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): S24 (5mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Shuttleworth, Frank K. and Mark A. May
The social conduct and attitudes of movie fans
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): S25 (2mf)
Siepmann, Eric
Waterloo in Wardour Street
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): S26 (3mf)
Silver, Milton L. voir Fox, Charles Donald
Simon, Herbert Veit
Die materiellrechtlichen Voraussetzungen der Theater-und Filmzensur
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): S27 (1mf)
Sinclair, Upton
Upton Sinclair presents William Fox
Los Angeles, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): S28 (5mf)
Six United Showmen
Hollywood, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): S29 (1mf)
Smith, Tom R. voir Justice, Fred C.
Snyder, Silas E. voir Hill, Laurance L.
Soderberg, Milton Alexander
The modern goliath; a study of talking pictures
Los Angeles, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): S30 (1mf)
Sommerfeld, Kurt voir Brugger, Alfons
Sorge, Ernst
With 'plane, boat & camera in Greenland; An Account of the Universal Dr. Franck Greenland
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): S31 (5mf)
Soro, Franscesco
Splendori e miserie del cinema; cose viste e vissute da un avvocato
Milan, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): S32 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Soupault, Philippe
Paris, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): S33 (3mf)
Soviet films 1938-1939 (In Russian, German and English)
Moscow, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): S34 (3mf)
Spencer, D.A. and H.D. Waley
The cinema to-day
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): S35 (3mf)
Spewack, Bella and Samuel Spewack
Boy Meets Girl; Spring Song
New York, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): S36 (3mf)
Spiers, Hetty voir Reed, Langford
Spottiswoode, Raymond
A Grammar of the Film : An Analysis of Film Technique
London, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): S37 (4mf)
Staude, Herbert voir Frieser, Hellmuth
Stearns, Myron Morris voir Amid, John
Steer, Valentia, comp.
The secrets of the cinema; your favourite amusement from within
s.l., 1920
Réf. microfiche(s): S38 (2mf)
Stepun, Fedor
Theater und Kino
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): S39 (2mf)
Sterner, Alice P. and W. Paul Bowden
A course of study in motion-picture appreciation
s.l., 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): S40 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Stevenson, Edward F.
Motion Pictures in advertising and selling
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): S41 (1mf)
Stoddard, George D. voir Holaday, P.W.
Strachwitz, Carlernst Graf voir Belling, Curt
Strasser, Alex
Filmentwurf, Filmregie, Filmschnitt; Gesetze und Beispiele
Halle, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): S42 (3mf)
Strickling, Howard voir Dietz, Howard
Strödecke, Hermann voir Rutenberg, Joachim
Stuler, A.
Fimen mit Ciné-Kodak-acht
Halle (Saale), 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): S43 (2mf)
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, Psychological Warfare Division
German film section [catalogue]
Germany, 194?
Réf. microfiche(s): S44 (4mf)
Swope, John
Camera over Hollywood
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): S45 (5mf)
Talbot, Frederick A.
Moving pictures, how they are made and worked
Philadelphia, 1912
Réf. microfiche(s): T1 (5mf)
Talbot, Frederick A.
Practical Cinematography and its Applications
Philadelphia, 1913
Réf. microfiche(s): T2 (4mf)
Tallents, [Sir] Stephen
The projection of England
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): T3 (1mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Talmey, Allene
Doug and Mary and Others
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): T4 (2mf)
Taylor, C.W., comp.
Masters and Masterpieces of the Screen
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): T5 (3mf)
Taylors, Deems
Walt Disney's Fantasia. With a foreword by Leopold Stokoski
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): T6 (3mf)
Tellegen, Lou
Women have been kind; the memoirs of Lou Tellegen
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): T7 (4mf)
Temple, Gertrude voir Sharon, Mary
Thomas, R. voir Brod, Max
Thorp, Margaret Farrand
America at the movies
New Heaven, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): T8 (4mf)
Thun, R.
Der Film in der Technik
Berlin, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): T9 (4mf)
Thurstone, L.L. voir Peterson, Ruth C.
Tiesler, Max
Schmalfilm als Schulfilm
Halle (Salle), 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): T10 (2mf)
Tilton, J. Warren voir Knowlton, Daniel C.
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Time inc.
Four hours a year : a picture-book story of Time Inc.'s third major publishing venture - the march of
s.l., 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): T11 (2mf)
Timoshenko, S.A.
What a film director must know
Leningrad, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): T12 (1mf)
Tinee, Mae
Life stories of the movie stars
Réf. microfiche(s): T13 (1mf)
Tippy, Worth M.
How to Select and Judge Motion Pictures
New York, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): T14 (1mf)
Ton Film-Fürhrer
Das Handbuch der Filmschaffenden
Berlin, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): T15 (6mf)
Le tout-cinéma; Annuaire Général Illustré du Monde Cinématographique 1929/30-1936/37
Paris, 1930-37
Réf. microfiche(s): T16 (100mf)
Towndrow, F. E. and Brenda E. Verstone, compilers
Cinemas and theatres : a special issue of "Architectural Design & Construction"
s.l., 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): T17 (1mf)
Traub, Hans and Hanns Wilhelm Lavies
Das deutsche Filmshrifttum : eine Bibliographie des Bucher und Zeitschiften über das Filmwesen
Leipzig, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): T18 (3mf)
Trenker, Luis
Brothers of the snow
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): T20 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Trenker, Luis
Hinter den Kulissen der Filmregie
Munchen, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): T21 (1mf)
Trotta, Vincent and Cliff Lewis
Screen personalities
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): T22 (3mf)
Trotti, Lamar et al.
"In old Chicago"
Beverly Hills, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): T23 (3mf)
Turner, Charles L.
A chronological outline of film history
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): T24 (1mf)
Turney, Harold
Cartoon production
Hollywood, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): T25 (2mf)
Twentieth-Century Fox Film Corporation
Complete Catalogue of Film Library With Sound Catalogue Apprended
Los Angeles, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): T26 (5mf)
Tyrrell of Avon, Rt Hon. Lord
Film Censorhip To-Day
London, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): T27 (1mf)
25 Jahre Wochenschau der Ufa
Berlin, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): U1 (1mf)
U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Foreign films (titles varies) 1931-38
Washington, 1931-38
Réf. microfiche(s): U2 (12mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
U.S.S.R. Commercial Representative, Germany
Catalogue of culture-pictures, 1929-1930
Berlin, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): U5 (1mf)
Ullback, Sylvia
Hollywood undressed; observations of Sylvia as noted by her secretary
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): U6 (3mf)
Ullman, S. George
The real Valentino
London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): U7 (2mf)
Ullman, S. George
Valentino As I Knew Him
New York, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): U8 (3mf)
Ulm, Gerith von
Charlie Chaplin; king of tragedy
Caldwell, Idaho, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): U9 (5mf)
Umbehr, Heinz
Der Tonfilm
Berlin, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): U10 (8mf)
United Artists
Biographical data on United Artists personalities
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): U11 (2mf)
United Sattes Film Service
Directory of U.S. government films
Washington, 1938-1940
Réf. microfiche(s): U4 (2mf)
Universal Filmlexikon 1932-1933
Berlin, 1932-1933
Réf. microfiche(s): U12 (31mf)
Universal Pictures
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Behind the scenes of ""All quiet on the Western front""
s.l., 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): U13 (1mf)
Universal Pictures
Biographies of Universal stars and featured players
New York, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): U14 (1mf)
Universal Pictures
How to make money with serials : A Universal Text Book for the Use of Motion Picture Exhibitors
New York, 1929
Réf. microfiche(s): U15 (2mf)
University of California
Writer's congress : The Proceedings of the Conference held in October 1943
s.l., 1944
Réf. microfiche(s): U16 (8mf)
University of Southern California and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Introduction to the photoplay
Los Angeles, 1929 (reprint 1977)
Réf. microfiche(s): U17 (5mf)
Urban, Charles
The Cinematograph in Science, Education, and Matters of State
London, 1906
Réf. microfiche(s): U18 (1mf)
Urban, Charles [The Charles Urban Trading Compy. Ltd]
We put the world before you by means of the bioscope and urban films
s.l., 1903
Réf. microfiche(s): U19 (3mf)
Valentino, Rudolph
Catalogue : The Estate of Rudolph Valentino; To Be Sold at public auction. Commencing
December 10, 1926
Los Angeles, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): V1 (2mf)
Valentino, Rudolph
Day dreams
London, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): V2 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Valentino, Rudolph
The Intimate Journal of Rudolph Valentino
New York, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): V3 (3mf)
Vallée, Rudy
Vagabond dreams come true
New York, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): V4 (3mf)
Van Dyke, W.S.
Horning Into Africa
Los Angeles, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): V5 (3mf)
Van Vechten, Carl
Spider Boy; a scenario for a moving picture
s.l., 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): V6 (3mf)
Van Zile, Edward S.
That Marvel - The Movie; A Glance at Its Reckless Past, Its Promising Present, and Its Significant
New York, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): V7 (3mf)
Vellard, R.
Le cinéma sonore; théorie et pratique
Paris, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): V8 (4mf)
Verstone, Brenda E. voir Towndrow, F.E.
Villiers, Roland
Le cinéma et ses merveilles
Paris, 1930
Réf. microfiche(s): V9 (2mf)
Vincent, Carl
Histoire de l'art cinématographique
Bruxelles, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): V10 (5mf)
Vogel, Hans [Dr.]
China ohne Maske : 20000 km mit der schweizerischen Filmexpedition
Zurich/Leipzig, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): V11 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Vreeland, Frank
Foremost films of 1938 : A Yearbook of the American Screen
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): V13 (4mf)
Wagenknecht, Edward
Lillian Gish: An Interpretation
Seattle, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): W1 (1mf)
Wald, Jerry and Richard Macaulay, eds.
The best pictures 1939-40; and the year book of motion pictures in America
New York, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): W2 (6mf)
Waley, H.D. voir Spencer, D.A.
Wall, E. J.
The History of Three-Color Photography
Boston, 1925
Réf. microfiche(s): W3 (8mf)
Wallace, Edgar
My Hollywood diary : The last work of Edgar Wallace
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): W4 (4mf)
Ware, John
The lion has wings
London, 1940
Réf. microfiche(s): W5 (2mf)
Warner Bros Pictures Inc.
Silhouettes Of Stars, Players, and Directors of Warner Bros Pictures, Inc.
New York, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): W6 (5mf)
Warren, Low
The film game
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): W7 (3mf)
Watts, Stephen, ed.
Behind the screen; how films are made
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): W8 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Watts, Stephen, ed.
Stars & films of 1937
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): W9 (3mf)
Watts, Stephen, ed.
Stars and films of 1938
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): W10 (3mf)
Waugh, Howard voir Hendricks, Bill
Weinstein, Pierre voir Marchand, René
Weisse, Dr.-Ing. K.
Nachhallgestaltung in Salen fur Tonfilm-Wiedergabe
Berlin, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): W11 (1mf)
Wells, H. G.
Things to come; A Film by H.G. Wells
New York, 1935
Réf. microfiche(s): W12 (2mf)
Welsh, Robert E.
A-B-C of Motion pictures
New York, 1916
Réf. microfiche(s): W13 (2mf)
Wesse, Curt
Grossmacht Film; das Geschopf von Kunst und Technik
Berlin, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): W14 (4mf)
West, Con voir Adeler, Edwin
West, George voir Lang, Edith
West, Nathanael
The day of the locust
New York, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): W15 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
White, Eric Walter
Parnassus to let; An Essay about Rhythm in the Films
London, 1928
Réf. microfiche(s): W17 (1mf)
White, Eric Walter
Walking shadows; An Essay on Lotte Reiniger's Silhouette Films
London, 1931
Réf. microfiche(s): W18 (1mf)
White, Pearl
Just me
New York, 1919
Réf. microfiche(s): W19 (2mf)
Whittingham, Jack
Sabu of the elephants
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): W20 (2mf)
Whitworth, Reginald
The cinema and theatre organ; a comprehensive description of this instrument, its constituent
parts, and its uses
London, 1932
Réf. microfiche(s): W21 (2mf)
Wild, Roland
Ronald Colman
s.l., 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): W22 (2mf)
Williamson, Alice M. (Mrs C.N. Williamson)
Alice in movieland
London, 1927
Réf. microfiche(s): W23 (4mf)
Williamson, J.E.
Twenty years under the sea
Boston, 1936
Réf. microfiche(s): W24 (4mf)
Wilson, Harry Leon
Merton of the movies
London, 1923
Réf. microfiche(s): W25 (4mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Wimberly, C.F., Rev.
The moving picture. A Careful Survey of a Difficult Problem
Louisville, Ky., 1917
Réf. microfiche(s): W26 (1mf)
Wimperis, Arthur voir Biro, Lajos
Winchester, Clarence, ed.
Film Pictorial Annual 1938
London, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): T19 (2mf)
Winchester, Clarence
An Innocent in Hollywood
London, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): W27 (2mf)
Winchester, Clarence
The Wonder Album of Filmland; A Complete Pictorial Survey of Screenland
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): W28 (2mf)
Winchester, Clarence, ed.
The world film encyclopedia
London, 1933
Réf. microfiche(s): W29 (6mf)
Wing, A. Douglas, Rev.
Films and the faith
London, 1938?
Réf. microfiche(s): W30 (2mf)
Wir von Bühne und Film
Berlin, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): W31 (5mf)
Wise, Harry Arthur
Motion Pictures as an Aid In Teaching American History
New Haven, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): W32 (3mf)
Wollenberg, H. voir Beuss, Werner
Wood, B.M.
The motion picture blue book ""Who's Who In the Cinema""
Los Angeles, 1934?
Réf. microfiche(s): W33 (2mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Wood, Leslie
The romance of the movies
London, 1937
Réf. microfiche(s): W34 (5mf)
Woods, Lotta
"Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood"
s.l., 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): W35 (1mf)
World Federation of Education Associations
The neighborhood and its motion pictures
New York, 1931?
Réf. microfiche(s): W36 (2mf)
Wrigley, M. Jackson
The film; its use in popular education
London, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): W37 (2mf)
Wrigley, M. Jackson and Eric Leyland
The cinema; historical, technical and bibliographical. A survey for librarians and students
London, 1939
Réf. microfiche(s): W38 (3mf)
Yerofeyev, V.A.
The film industry in Germany
Moscow, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): Y1 (2mf)
Young, Donald Ramsey
Motion pictures; A Study In Social Legislation
Philadelphia, 1922
Réf. microfiche(s): Y2 (2mf)
Young, G. Gordon voir Causton, Bernard
Zierold, Kurt
Der Film in Schule und Hochschule
Stuttgart, 1938
Réf. microfiche(s): Z1 (2mf)
Zimmereimer, Kurt
Die Filmzensur
Breslau-Neukirch, 1934
Réf. microfiche(s): Z2 (3mf)
Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines
Zucker, Paul
Theater und Lichtspielhauser
Berlin, 1926
Réf. microfiche(s): Z3 (4mf)