Lavori critici su Lao She (testi disponibili nella Biblioteca del


Lavori critici su Lao She (testi disponibili nella Biblioteca del
Lavori critici su Lao She (testi disponibili nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento)
Slupski, Zbigniew, “The works of Lao She during the First Phase of His Career (1924 to 1932)”, in Prusek,
Jaroslav (a cura di), Studies in Modern Chinese Literature, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1964, pp. 77-95 (G209).
Slupski, Zbigniew, The Evolution of a Modern Chinese Writer. An Analysis of Lao She's Fiction with
Biographical and Bibliographical Appendices, Prague, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, 1966 (G148).
Two writers and the cultural revolution, Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, c1980 (G369).
Wang Dewei (Wang, David Der-wei), Fictional Realism in Twentieth Century China: Mao Dun, Lao She,
Shen Congwen, New York, Columbia University Press, 1992 (G553).
Opere di Lao She in traduzione (testi disponibili nella Biblioteca del Dipartimento)
“A Brilliant Beginning”, trans. by W.J.F. Jenner and Gladys Yang, in Jenner, W.J.F. (a cura di) Modern
Chinese Stories, London - Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 1970, pp. 85-93 (G286).
“Il signore coi calzoni da cavallerizzo”, trad. e nota introduttiva di Mario Sabattini, in Sabattini, Mario Santangelo, Paolo, Il pennello di lacca. La narrativa cinese dalla dinastia Ming ai giorni nostri, Bari, Editori
Laterza, 1997, pp. 217-224.
“Teahouse - A Play in Three Acts” , trans. by Ying Ruocheng, in Chinese Literature, n. 12, 1979, pp. 16-96.
Camel Xiangzi, Beijing - Bloomington, Foreign Language Press , Indiana University Press, c. 1981 (G564).
City of cats, Ann Arbor Michigan, University of Michigan, Center for Chinese studies, c. 1964 (G/127)
Crescent moon and other stories, Beijing, Chinese Literature Press, c. 1985 (G565 e G617).
Dragon Beard Ditch, Peking, Foreign Languages Press, 1956 (L/31)
Gens de Pékin, <Paris>, Gallimard, c1982 (G484).
La cage entrebâillée, <Paris>, Gallimard, 1986 (G 875).
La maison de thè, Beijing, Editions en Langues Etrangères, 1980 (L/23)
Le pusse-pousse, Arles, Philippe Picquier, c1990 (G471)
L'enfant du nouvel an, <Paris>, Gallimard (G483).
Les retrouvailles. Pièce en 3 actes et 7 tableaux, Paris, Université Paris 7. Centre de publication Asie orientale,
1977 (L99).
Quatre generations sous un meme toit, Paris, Mercure de France, 1996 (G979)
Rickshaw: The Novel Lo-t'o Hsiang Tzu, Honolulu, The University Press of Hawaii, 1979 (G402)
Sacrificarsi: Un pechinese gentile racconta la vigilia della rivoluzione, Milano, Bompiani, 1977 (G48 I)
The two Mas, Hong Kong, Joint, 1984 (G367 e G416)
Un fils tombé du ciel, Paris, Arla, c1989 (G482).