Ruffatti Organ
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Brigham Young University – Idaho Taylor Chapel
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Voix Celeste 8 Aeoline Celestes II 8 Flûte Celeste II 8 Unda Maris II 8 Octave 4 Principal 4 Unda Maris II 4 Flûte Traversiére 4 Echo Flute 4 Nazard 2 2/3 Twelfth 2-2/3 Octavin 2 Fifte 1 Tierce 1 3...
Plus en détailWorship Without Limits - Church Organs of Colorado
Piston controls: Chimes, Zimbelstern, Bass, Melody from Swell, Melody from Choir, Great MIDI/ORCH A, Great
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Grand Choeur to II Great to II Swell to II Echo to II String to II Orchestral to II Solo to II Gallery Pedal to III Chancel Pedal to III Grand Choeur to III
Plus en détailFirst Presbyterian Church Bakersfield, California Stoplist
II Jeu de Clochette III Scharf 183 pipes 16’ Corno di Bassetto 16’ Basson 16’ Dulzian 8’ Clarinet 8’ Cromorne 61 pipes 8’ Cromorne 8’ Tuba Harp Tremulant 16’ Choir Choir Unison Off 4’ Choir 8’ Tuba...
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