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Adresse: AUB Assembly Hall, American University of Beirut, Riad El-Solh / Beyrouth, Liban Téléphone: +961-1-340460 / 350000 Site Web: http://www.aub.edu.lb/bulletin/121562.html ENTREE GRATUITE Mardi 7 juin 2011 à 20h00 Concert Roumain de Musique Classique L’Institut Culturel Roumain et l’Ambassade de Roumanie au Liban, en collaboration avec la Faculté de Musique de l’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK), ont le plaisir de vous inviter à un concert donné par les célèbres artistes roumains Octavian Gheorghiu (clarinette) and Remus Henning (orgue). Adresse: Amphithéâtre Jean-Paul II, Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, Jounieh, Mont Liban Téléphone: (+961) 9 600 000, (+961) 9 600 001 ENTREE GRATUITE Mardi 21 juin 2011 à 22h00 Concert Extraordinaire de Flûte de Pan par Dana Dragomir ème Dans le cadre de la 11 édition de la Fête de la Musique à Beyrouth, la toute première femme à la flûte de pan au monde Dana Dragomir donnera un concert exceptionnel à la Place des Martyrs. Connue comme étant la Reine de la Flûte de Pan, Dana Dragomir jouit d’un succès incomparable en musique instrumentale en Scandinavie, avec plus d’un million d’albums vendus à travers le monde. Adresse: Place des Martyrs, Centre Ville. Site Web: http://www.pandana.com (Page officielle de Dana Dragomir) https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=205361922822578 (Fête de la musique) ENTREE GRATUITE Ces événements sont organisés en collaboration avec Events of the Romanian Cultural Institute in June 2011 in Lebanon th Saturday June 4 , 2011 Romanian Concert The Romanian Cultural Institute and the Romanian Embassy in coordination with the Office of Communications of the American University of Beirut (AUB) cordially invite you to a concert by Octavian Gheorghiu (clarinet) and Remus Henning (organ). Time: 20:00 Address: AUB Assembly Hall, American University of Beirut, Riad El-Solh / Beirut, Lebanon Telephone: +961-1-340460 / 350000 Website: http://www.aub.edu.lb/bulletin/121562.html FREE ENTRANCE Tuesday June 7th, 2011 Romanian Classical Music Concert The Romanian Cultural Institute and the Romanian Embassy in coordination with the Faculty of Music of the Saint-Esprit de Kaslik University (USEK) cordially invite you to a concert by famous Romanian artists Octavian Gheorghiu (clarinet) and Remus Henning (organ). Time: 20:00 Address: The John Paul II Amphitheatre of the Saint-Esprit de Kaslik University, Jounieh, Mount Lebanon Telephone: (+961) 9 600 000, (+961) 9 600 001 FREE ENTRANCE Tuesday June 21st , 2011 Dana Dragomir Pan Flute Extraordinary Concert th As part of the 11 edition of Fête de la musique in Beirut, Dana Dragomir, the first ever female professional Pan flute player in the world will perform in Place des Martyrs. A true master of her instrument, Dana is known as the Queen of the Pan flute. Dana Dragomir is the best selling instrumental artist in Scandinavia. She has sold over 1 million albums. Time: 22:00 Address: Place de Martyrs, Downtown Beirut Website: http://www.pandana.com (Dana Dragomir’s official website) https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=205361922822578 (Fête de la musique) FREE ENTRANCE The events are organized in cooperation with Evenimente organizate de Institutul Cultural Român în luna iunie 2011 în Liban Sâmbătă 4 iunie, 2011 Concert românesc Institutul Cultural Român şi Ambasada României la Beirut împreună cu Oficiul de Comunicare al Universităţii Americane în Beirut (AUB) au plăcerea să vă invite la un concert al artiştilor români Octavian Gheorghiu (clarinet) şi Remus Henning (orgă). Ora: 20:00 Adresa: AUB Assembly Hall, Universitatea Americană în Beirut, Riad El-Solh / Beirut, Liban Telefon: +961-1-340460 / 350000 Website: http://www.aub.edu.lb/bulletin/121562.html INTRAREA LIBERĂ Marţi 7 iunie, 2011 Concert românesc de muzică clasică Institutul Cultural Român şi Ambasada României la Beirut impreună cu Facultatea de Muzică a Universităţii Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) au plăcerea să vă invite la un concert al artiştilor români Octavian Gheorghiu (clarinet) şi Remus Henning (orgă). Ora: 20:00 Adresa: Amfiteatrul Ioan Paul al II-lea al Universităţii Saint-Esprit de Kaslik, Jounieh, Muntele Liban Telefon: (+961) 9 600 000, (+961) 9 600 001 INTRAREA LIBERĂ Marţi 21 iunie , 2011 Concert extraordinar de nai al artistei Dana Dragomir În cadrul celei de-a XI-a ediţii a festivalului Fête de la musique în Beirut, Dana Dragomir, prima femeie din lume artist profesionist la nai, va cânta în Piaţa Martirilor. Dana Dragomir a vândut peste un million de albume şi este cel mai bine vândut artist instrumentist din Scandinavia. Ora: 22:00 Adresa: Piaţa Martirilor, Centrul oraşului Beirut Website: http://www.pandana.com (pagina oficială a artistei Dana Dragomir) https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=205361922822578 (Fête de la musique) INTRAREA LIBERĂ Evenimentele sunt organizate în colaborare cu